News Saugatuck/Douglas Commercial Record

Woman’s Club offers learning, fun

The Saugatuck Woman’s Club will host presentations this season by Book Nook and Owl House business owners, gardeners, a hands-on watercolor-painting class and field trip to a flower farm, among other treats.

Biweekly Thursday sessions, free and open to everyone, meet in the historic SWC Clubhouse, at the corner of Butler and Hoffman streets, downtown Saugatuck, except when noted otherwise. On tap:

• March 14: Understanding Hospice: Denise Stencill of Hospice of Holland will introduce members to the philosophy of hospice and how it could relate to you and your families.

• March 28: The Book Nook owner Cheryl Whitfield invites members to her new downtown venue and share the story of how it came about. Meet at the store, 242 Butler St.

• April 11, at South Haven’s Scott Club, 652 Phoenix St. Attendees can car-pool to this historic Queen Anne-style building and learn about the club’s importance as a cultural and community center. Anna Krajecki will lead the tour and give a short program. 

April 25: Watercolor Painting: Local artist Sandy Schults will demonstrate and instruct. Participants can create their own tulip artwork to take home. Small fee for materials.

May 9: In-house historian Peg Sanford will discuss irrepressible Saugatuck women instrumental in forming the club and community.  Learn about the 10 who met Nov. 25, 1904, to establish the SWC and long road to building their own building.

May 23: The American Legion: As Memorial Day nears, a representative of this 2 million-member will speak.

June 13: Lyme Disease – A Cautionary Tale: Local gardener Mary Ann Landerfeld will share her experience dealing with her husband’s tick-borne disease, plus offer ways to recognize and prevent it.

June 27: Visit to Christian Neighbors, 5874 Wiley Road, behind Community Church of Douglas. Tour the all-volunteer facility and partake in a short program.

Sept. 12: Salad Luncheon, starts at noon. Bring your favorite salad to share. Plates, cutlery and bread or rolls will be provided.

Sept. 26: Fieldsview Farm Tour, 608 71st Street, South Haven. Derek and Amy Getman in 2019 launched their quest to provide fresh flowers to wholesale customers, plus offer U-pick fun. Create your own bouquet and bring camera.

Oct. 10: Saugatuck Woman’s Club Art and Artists: Local art curator and historian Ken Kutzel will walk members through the club’s art collection, sharing stories behind each work. Starts 6:30 p.m.     

Oct. 24: Saugatuck-Douglas Library Tour: Did you know you can get flower seeds as well as Covid test kits at the library? Play Mah Jongg and bridge there? Sit by the fire and or reserve a reading room? sit by the fire? Get the inside scoop at 174 Center St., Douglas.

Nov. 14: Owl House owner Jeff Scott will explain how he and partner Fran Mervau run their operation. Meet at the club, then walk next door to check out their shop.

Dec. 5: Christmas/Holiday Party. Members will return to The Butler restaurant, 40 Butler St., for lunch and laughs exchanging white elephant gifts. Time and menu details to be announced.

The venerable Woman’s Club has close to 60 active members engaged raising scholarship money for local youths, since 2010 awarding awarded $45,000 plus to Saugatuck High School graduating seniors.

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