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The Cycles of the Earth

by Larry-Michael and Becky Lynn Hackenberg

A Weekly Almanac Guide
Plan, Do, Finish, Rest.
Living in Harmony With Earth
Weekend of
January 20-21, 2024

Earth-Sun-Moon Notes
In A Nutshell…
First Quarter/Planning Moon occurred January 17 at 10:53 p.m. EST. First Quarter means the Moon is one quarter of the way around the Earth in its orbit, which we see as half the orb shape. Full Moon is half-way around in orbit and we see all that we can of the orb from our Earth perspective, and third quarter is three quarters around in orbit and we see the other half. First quarter we see the right side lit up, third quarter we see the left side lit up (in the Southern Hemisphere this is reversed, at the Equator it is top and bottom).
The gravitational pull on Earth by the Moon as it orbits each 27.3 days is powerful enough to cause the ocean/sea tides. The effects on Earth’s inhabitants are also powerful but we are so accustomed to them that we do not always notice.
Last Weekend
January 13-14, 2024: Resting
New/Resting Moons in Winter; perfect for daydreaming and visualization to bring in ideas, viewpoints, and possibilities not otherwise considered.

This Weekend
January 20-21, 2024: Planning
The early part of any cycle has the energy of beginning, a forward-looking view, sense of purpose, and often enthusiasm. We certainly feel that in the Spring Sun cycles with Earth’s huge upsurge of light, warmth, and growth. The Lunar cycles are far more subtle, but we can still be aware of and use them to our benefit.
First Quarter Moon is no exception. Very subtle in Winter, it nonetheless has these properties. With our awareness brought closer inward during this time, we may even be able to tap into them more easily. Like a sunny day, the Planning Moon can have us feeling hopeful, energized, and willing to move forward.
A good example is gardeners in mid-Winter with seed catalogs in hand, imagining abundant flowers, vegetable patches, berry bushes, and fruit trees blossoming and growing. Now we know that is not possible with frozen soil and single digit temperatures, but we can look ahead, visualize, and plan. It is the same with any endeavor, including new year resolutions, in this time of dormancy.
So, enjoy Winter’s slower pace along with the gentle energy rise of the First Quarter Moon, and start quietly planning for what’s to come.

Next Weekend
January 27-28, 2024: Doing
In the depths of slow Winter, taking a gentler approach to activity restores and gets us ready for when Earth-energy begins to rise.

Musing…from Larry’s journal
I am a feeder of birds; have been for more than 30 years of my most recent life. Right now, my wife and I live South of Three Rivers on several acres of common trees adjoining 200 feet of the largest T.R. river, the St. Joseph River.
We enjoy living here primarily because of the number of birds in this area. I currently have eight bird feeders, useful for common birds. The feeders are: three 8” plastic rounds, a six-sided 14” wood, a 14” x 1.5” round metal dish; all hung 5’- 6’ off the ground and under the over-hanging roof of our house. An additional feeder I specially built is mounted on a single 4” pipe 4.5 feet above the ground, with three adjoining flat feeders 5” x 16” all pretty well protected from predators.
The feeders are continuously photographed by three outdoor video cameras which project color images onto a TV in our living room. This is our basic TV, watched casually all day long. As an octogenarian retired architect and teacher, it is one of my joys.
Birds we commonly see, at different times of day or yearly spans are: Blue Jays, Northern Cardinals, Grosbeaks, Goldfinches, House Finches, Chickadees, Titmice, Nuthatches, Sparrows, Robins, Orioles, Blackbirds, Cowbirds, Juncos, and Wrens.
Several times a day in these cold temperatures, I feed them black oiler sunflower and other seeds, cracked corn, and suet.

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