Columns Three Rivers Commercial-News, Penny Saver, & Sturgis Sentinel

The Cycles of Earth

by Larry-Michael and Becky Lynn Hackenberg

A Weekly Almanac Guide
Plan, Do, Finish, Rest.
Living in Harmony With Earth
Weekend of
March 9-10, 2024

Earth-Sun-Moon Notes
In A Nutshell…
The New/Resting Moon on Sunday, March 10 at 4:00 a.m. EST, coincides with the return to the oft-dreaded Daylight Savings Time. “Springing forward” sounds so good until the circadian rhythm upset kicks in to alter opinions. The New Moon’s calm energy encourages us to take it slow and easy to accommodate this change. Be a bit less demanding on your body and mind give them some TLC while they adjust to this abrupt shift.
Nine days to Spring Equinox and the astronomical beginning of Spring Sun Cycle.

Last Weekend
March 2-3, 2024: Finishing
Finishing Winter also means welcoming Spring with its cellular-level changes and shifts that lift body, mind, and spirit.

This Weekend
March 9-10, 2024: Resting
The last New/Resting Moon of Winter Sun Cycle gives us an opportunity to envision this next three-month cycle. Spring is such a dynamic period of intense change and growth all around us. It is easy for people to remember they live on a planet in Spring because it is shifting so quickly and completely and has such profound effects on us.
So how can we use this changing time to our benefit? Any changes we would like to make – be they physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual – the buoyancy of this cycle’s energy helps lift them into 3-D reality. Setting well-thought out intentions is one way of using this energy.
How do we form intentions that reflect what we really want? We take the time to get in touch with our deeper aspirations for life. Accessing these aspirations requires some quiet, uninterrupted time and stillness, listening to heart and mind. Aspirations are not pie-in-the-sky, they are ambitions, desires, objectives, aims, goals. Forming realistic intentions and expectations of their coming into being can happen when we get out of our own way by tossing negative beliefs, being honest with ourselves, and being open to possibility.
One Sun cycle is three months. Create a set of intentions for just this time period. Maybe choose just one. But try it, give your aspirations a chance to bloom in the warmth and light of Spring.

Next Weekend
March 16-17, 2024: Planning
Plan by visualizing your intentions actually happening, feeling what that would feel like, embracing open-hearted possibility.

Musing…from Larry’s journal
My birthday, on February 27th, put me at 82 years. At that age, my favorite living things I like best are my wife, my brother and sisters, and birds; everyone of them seem beautiful and smart to me. A book, The Genius of Birds by Jennifer Ackerman, explains some of the birds’ methods of thinking, moving, flying, speaking, eating; all impressive, skillful, thoughtful, and beautiful. The brains of birds, fascinatingly, are composed of chemicals somewhat similar to human brain chemicals! Good stuff for all of us!
I tend five bird feeders just outside our dining/living room windows under a four foot roof overhang (keeping those feeders dry) with live motion overhead TV Camera #1 covering the birds visiting these feeders.
Six more feeders are around the corner of the house, three arranged on a 2x8x60 inch board divided into three sections of 5×15 inches filled with fresh black sunflower seeds, about four and a half feet above the ground. Another remote feeder, (looking like a small single room house) feeds suet through a screen floor, all covered by Camera #2.
Another three feeders, one with a triangular shaped roof, with two small feeders below it hanging from a tree limb providing crushed corn are covered by Camera #3 which also shows the ground below where seed falls for squirrels and some shy birds.
The final TV Camera #4 watches the Western sunsets out the front door which also records flying, speedy bugs zooming around as darkness takes over—very cool! It all makes for enjoyable, fascinating TV watching.

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