Columns Three Rivers Commercial-News, Penny Saver, & Sturgis Sentinel

The Cycles of Earth

by Larry-Michael and Becky Lynn Hackenberg

A Weekly Almanac Guide
Plan, Do, Finish, Rest.
Living in Harmony With Earth
Weekend of
July 22-23, 2023

Becky’s Earth-Sun-Moon Notes
In A Nutshell…
First Quarter/Planning Moon, Tuesday, July 25 at 10:07 p.m. EDT, begins the cycle again. Last week’s Resting/New Moon was the lull, the chance to rest and restore our selves. The rising energy of this phase shifts our outlook to being more active, thinking ahead, being productive.
Steadily increasing energy as we enter into the second month of the Summer Sun Cycle is a good time to refer to our list of intentions for the cycle and modify plans to fit current reality. Garden plans for example, made during rainy Spring/Planning Sun Cycle, may need adjustment due to less rain and higher temps.

Last Weekend
July 15-16, 2023: Resting
It was time to relax and renew with a therapeutic “mini vacation”.

This Weekend
July 22-23, 2023: Planning
A simplistic way of understanding a cycle is to see it on a timeline. We humans like beginnings and endings. Which is why the Earth’s Sun and Moon cycles are so useful to us. Lunar cycles are much more subtle than solar cycles but do have their effects. It is a pattern of rising and falling intensity of energy due to the pull of the Moon on Earth and blocking the Sun. Its 28-day orbit causes these shifting patterns.
We plan our activities by these patterns. In the Northern Temperate bio-zone we plant crops in Spring, we tend their growth in Summer, harvest in Fall, then all rests in Winter. The Moon creates that pattern in a more subtle, more frequent way. Simply put: plan, do, finish, rest. These are patterns of Earth’s living. We divert from them for various reasons, but aligning with them can ease things up a bit, create a smoother flow, and be supported by the natural world around us.
Things to consider on a Planning Weekend.

Next Weekend
July 29-30, 2023: Doing
A Full/Doing Moon for the beginning of August gives us lots of energy; 52 glorious days of Summer remain to be enjoyed in this cycle.

Musing…from Larry’s journal
Next year, on February 27, 2024, I will be 82 years old. On the first part of this month, I had a slight pain in the upper right-hand side of my brain. The slight pain in my brain caused some confusion in my left leg. Doctors were able to identify a small artery in the upper right-hand side of my brain that had serious internal deposits that closed or nearly closed that artery. I could mostly walk and talk and looked almost okay—but I wasn’t exactly sure I was okay.
I was provided a daily drug to help keep the chemicals in my blood from clogging up any small blood vessels. I also discovered that my thinking, while doing a pretty good job, was not fully aware of defining the meaning of words. My life was appearing different.
I met for the first time with a Speech Therapist, to begin to suggest words that are unclear to me. My brain may not be functioning properly but is capable of new learning.
I am pleased to become the beginning of a newly defined person, learning to identify problems with words and how I want to explore the new me.
Part of me is trying to do the best I can, but I am discovering I need to change something inside me. I need to be different. I think I need to be comfortable rather than being “who I am”.
Is there some part of me that was trying to be different, to be undefined illogically, did I miss certain eating by miss-identify who I was to become; to be me?
Was I too hard on myself? Do I need to be more gentle?

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