Allegan County News & Union Enterprise News

The Arts arrive at the Griswold and City Hall

Tim Carr receives assistance from Chairperson of the Art Reach Project Paulette Carr, left, and President of the Allegan Area Arts Council (AAAC) Judi McCall, right. The last-minute adjustments were made before the February Allegan Area Chamber of Council (AACC) After Hours gathering at the Griswold Auditorium on Thurs., Feb. 16, 2024, hosted by the AAAC.
City Manager Joel Dye and the Art Reach Project Chair Paulette Carr chat about the current art show that opened during a Chamber of Commerce After Hours event at the Griswold Auditorium on Thurs, Feb. 15, 2024. As people mingled, they admired, and even purchased, the pieces displayed. The current show will remain until April 30th, and a new selection of pieces will go up on May 1st.

By Gari Voss

Paulette and Tim Carr attended the January 8, 2024, City Council meeting to request that the Allegan Area Arts Council (AAAC) receive permission to begin their Art Reach Project. Art Reach is an initiative that will display the work of local artists in public spaces around Allegan.
The partnership with the City of Allegan began with the approval of the City Council. The Art Reach team contacted local artists who are members of AAAC and selected paintings and photographs that would be hung from rails in City Hall and the Griswold.
The official unveiling of the art occurred during an Allegan Area Chamber of Commerce (AACC) After Hours gathering on Thursday, February 15, 2024. Business owners and artists mingled as the pieces of 11 artists were admired.
To participate in the Art Reach Project, artists must be a member of the AAAC. The current artists have 2 pieces of art displayed at the Griswold and one piece at City Hall.
“I think that the Arts are important to a community,” stated Paulette Carr. “The Arts define a community and sets a tone of who we are. Every time we lift up an artist, dollar for dollar the money comes back to the community and provides jobs for sales clerks, galleries, and interior designers. So, they benefit our economy in that way.”
The pieces displayed are for sale. Prices range from less than a hundred to several hundred dollars. If a piece is sold, the organizers look for a replacement that is similar to what is currently hanging or ask that the piece remains until the end of the Show when a new group of artwork will be on display.
“I really believe that everyone brought their A game,” stated Carr. “We are so excited that the City and Chamber are partnering. We do hope that some of the businesses around town will step forward and request exhibiting pieces in their establishments. So, this is like phase one.”
As the Art Reach Project progresses, “We hope to spread art everywhere. Its nice to spread something that can appeal to everyone. There are pieces here that even those who have not been art lovers might be able to see and enjoy. Looking at some of the pictures of historic buildings or beautiful landscapes can get people excited about art.”
Both Carr and AAAC President Judi McCall believe that it is important for artists to get their art out in the public. “Often pieces sit in basements, so Art Reach gives them a setting where the artwork can be seen and appreciated while building the artists up by giving them affirmation, so it really does serve everybody. The City buildings are the perfect places to get art in the eyes of the public because many groups meet herein the Griswold or visit City Hall.”
McCall spoke on behalf of the Arts Council to thank Tim and Paula Carr for installing the rails and hanging the first show of pictures. “This is just the beginning of the beginning. We hope that we can get many more artists to display their work. We have 11 artists this time, and three have already offered to display during the next rotation that begins May 1st.”
People have already sold a piece.
“Those with pieces on display until April 30, 2024 include Paulette Carr, Joanne Chaney, Jude Hart, Mary Clare Johnson, Pat Miner, Paula Mintek, Carmen Moore, Alva Morgan, Joy Richmond, Dave Thompson, and Holly Wilson,” shared McCall. “We want Allegan to be an art destination. We are fortunate to have Brave Art Studio and Pickle Street Studio. These are wonderful resource.”
Judy and Paulette thanked those in attendance with special kudos to AACC Executive Director Taylor Bentley and City Manager Joel Dye for their support. The Art Reach Project will continue with new Shows every three months. The next Show will begin May 1st. Area artists interested in displaying pieces of art should contact Paulette Carr at