Clare County Review & Marion Press Columns

Proud to be a Pioneer: Progress…

Schools are complex organizations to be certain. Clare has a long history as an exceptional place for learning, but not without difficult times as well. In the Board’s pursuit of excellence, one of its collective priorities has been consistent fiscal management, which in turn allows for investment in the classroom, in our people, and in our facilities, all while enriching educational experiences. Smoothing out the hills and valleys that every district faces from time to time has been a significant part of the vision of prudent financial stewardship.
With our recently approved final budget amendment, CPS anticipates a general fund balance of $5.4 million (approximately 25%), along with a capital projects fund balance of $4.4 million. The Board has carefully invested in property acquisition and development that will allow for a future building project.
The final budget amendment places the district in a strong fiscal position to carefully navigate the tough times that are likely ahead. We’re in a position to continue making crucial investments in the classroom and on personnel, while updating curriculum materials, equipment, and furniture. We’re also continuing to reduce class size and add programming, providing students with increased attention and opportunity for their growth and achievement!
I’m certainly thrilled with our progress. We’ve been committed to growing the district, adding opportunities for young people, compensating personnel among the best in the region, and saving for a bond issue as well as the hard times that are sure to come. At the outset of the 2023-2024 school year, we will be employing 23% more professional staff members since 2016, all who work with kids daily.
The world is rapidly evolving, and we’re adapting with it. Not all changes are meant for Clare, of course, but we remain focused on updating curriculum, retaining our high performing staff, innovative teaching practices, and providing comprehensive support systems. Our goal lies in creating Pioneers who are hard workers, men & women of integrity, creative problem solvers, and excellent communicators.
Still ahead is our next attempt at a bond issue for the district. After review of the previous proposal and input from the community, we anticipate placing a bond issue on the November ballot in the ballpark of $49 million, roughly 25% less than the previous issue. It includes a simpler building concept and reduced footprint (square footage). Community is a difficult thing, and whether in good times or tough times, it only works when we’re all in together. More to come on the bond issue in July and beyond as the Board of Education takes official action.
At the end of the day, we’re all working to provide a nurturing environment where young people can thrive and excel. You’re all a part of that. It’s what makes Clare a great place to live and learn!

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