Allegan County News & Union Enterprise

Plainwell, Lee Township hope to expand broadband

By John Raffel

ALLEGAN – Progress continues to be made in getting broadband in the area.
Broadband Action Workgroup (BAW), created by the Allegan County Board of Commissioners to spearhead the expansion and availability of higher speed internet to county residents, recently learned about two potential projects for use of American Rescue Plan funds in a sharing arrangement with local governments.
“The city of Plainwell is in the planning stages for an expansion of the city’s industrial park and needs to include broadband infrastructure in its construction plans,” commissioners’ chairman Jim Storey said in his weekly newsletters. “Commissioner Rick Cain and BAW Chair Austin Marsman participated in a recent meeting with Plainwell officials exploring the industrial park expansion. Lee Township has contracted a consultant to determine the feasibility for residential broadband expansion in the township.
“BAW vice chair Tim Kotas, an adviser to the township board, presented a detailed briefing on the opportunities broadband presents for lifting the township in many areas: economics, education and health options. The consultant report should be available in the next month or so. The BAW circulated a letter to all county local governments requesting information on their interest in participating with the BAW in expansion activities.”

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