Clare County Review & Marion Press

Pat’s Bits and Pieces: Munch, munch, munch – It’s summertime

Its summer in mid-Michigan: fair and festival time in and around Clare County and you know what that means.
Goodies galore!
I’m afraid to step on the scales lately because I’m just about positive it would be a disaster…
They say people gain the most weight in the winter months.
Not this Michigander though. I can gain all year round!
Until I was in my 20s I could eat anything I wanted and never gain a pound. In fact I remember eating loads of bananas as a teenager just to try and gain a bit.
Those days are long gone. That skinny little gal Jack married all those years ago is nowhere in sight. Nowadays even the smell of fresh baked brownies, or a cupcake can add a pound or two I think.
Incidentally a scoop of ice cream is a wonderful topper for a warm brownie.
They say you get more exercise when it’s nice outside. All our walking around at the fair yesterday just made me hungry.
I just can’t resist all that the summer season has to offer. Besides all of the great things from the gardens that are now beginning to come in, there’s strawberries, blueberries, all kinds of berries (!) and an abundance of fresh fruit and veggies everywhere you look.
That reminds me, we really need to pick the green beans again. Jack brought in a large bowlful just yesterday, enough so I could blanch and freeze a couple of bags for later on. Soon we will also have sugar snap peas and tomatoes.
It’s also sweet corn time, one of my favorite vegetables. In fact, I just found some good-looking ears at Witbeck’s. Should go really good with the spaghetti we are having for dinner tonight…
All things that are good for you right? Well, not always. Over the last couple of months, we have been enjoying strawberry shortcake, blueberry pie, homemade potato and macaroni salad, ribs and burgers on the grill…and more!
I love to cook. And since I can’t seem to manage to cook for two, or even four, we always seem to have an abundance of leftovers tempting us at odd times from the frig. And lately, when I am working in the office, Jack has taken over the cooking chore…he makes great chili, breakfasts and absolutely delicious Boston Coolers…an afternoon treat around the Maurer household.
All these fresh goodies you have in the summer…well, I need to cut back I think.
Jayson’s other grandma told me once that if you eat while standing up, all the calories will run right out of your feet. I’ve tested that one out lately, like the other evening standing at the kitchen counter.
I don’t think it works.
I love summer desserts made with the fresh goodies you find in abundance this time of year. You know, like strawberry shortcake, especially when it is made with those sweet Michigan berries. In fact, I have been known to have it for supper as long as there is some left in the refrigerator…
This weekend, since Great-granddaughter Ayssa was spending the weekend, we just had to indulge. And since the fair just started Monday evening, we went and sampled some of those wonderful goodies … elephant ears, French fries with vinegar, and fresh squeezed lemonade (with loads of sugar of course). That stuff really tastes great. Meanwhile Ayssa, and Kieley (who met us at the fair) checked out all of the rides while we sat in the shade and indulged.
I love all the goodies at the fair.
Then there are all those great recipes I keep seeing on Facebook. I just can’t resist trying some of them – like the one for cake mix/cream cheese cookies we discovered one year.
At least we haven’t been baking much on these super-hot and humid days, but then there’s always ice cream and frozen strawberry bars to keep us cool.
Weight loss tips: Drink an eight-ounce glass of water before meals, use smaller dinner plates, never eat after 7 p.m., eat more fruit and less French fries. All rules I’m sure would work – if I followed them.
Every once in a while, I have this completely irresistible urge to raid the frig or make a run to town for French fries, or if it’s really hot out there, maybe for a strawberry shake.
Just in case, I do eat standing up sometimes though…
Man, all this writing about food is making me hungry again.

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