Clare County Review & Marion Press

Pat’s Bits and Pieces: I’m pretty sure spring has sprung…maybe

Well, after a brief peek at the coming summer weather earlier this week, we are back to just a bit cooler – and closer to average – spring temperatures again.
Along with just about everyone else in town, we took advantage of that gorgeous 70 degree plus weather, and spent some time enjoying being outside without needing a coat!
Big change after the snowflurries that we had just a week ago.
Now we are discussing spring projects here around the new place – moving the barrels for our mini garden and sprucing up the place a bit.
Unfortunately, we usually “run out of gas” before we run out of work these days.
And then there is the complication of dealing with spring allergies and colds which tends to slow us down quite a bit too. In fact we are both getting over our first colds of the season, complicated by allergies of course.
There’s still loads to do around the yard, and weather permitting, Jack is planning a trip north in the next few weeks to open the camper for the season!
That is always my favorite trip north to our little get-away place. Maybe because we have the whole summer in front of us still.
With April half over already, we all know that those lovely spring days are still coming and I’m sure we will be outside again and looking for chores that need doing again soon. Accu-weather on the computer says the temperatures for the rest of the month will be back in the average range – in the 50s and 60s with lows in the 30s and 40s with quite a few sunny days coming – and a few showers of course. In fact, today’s weather had some lovely downpours for me to listen to as I was sitting here in the office and typing away on MY NEW KEYBOARD.
That’s right, I now have a new laptop that is connected to a normal (not touch) keyboard and a 32 inch monitor in front of me. I’m in heaven. Typing is so much easier with these old arthritic fingers of mine.
So we have been enjoying some pretty wet weather. The rain will be welcomed by the farmers in the area if their fields dry up before planting time, and will give those spring flowers a little boost to get them growing even faster. I have already noticed some peeking up here and there and buds on the trees along the road into town. None around here though, but the grass is turning greener as we speak..
Even the wildlife is waking up. They seem to know that the spring season has finally arrived. There isn’t as much to watch as we had on the Tobacco, but we have resident rabbits and loads of birds showing up to look for the feeders, which Jack still has to put up for the summer.
When we lived on the river, the birds would empty the feeders almost daily and we were constantly feeding the fox squirrels who stocked up on the goodies every day. I used to love to watch the chipmunks and ground squirrels stuff their cheeks too, but we don’t have any here – at least not yet.
Other not so welcome guests we don’t have here include those of the “smelly” kind. In the evenings on the river, we often noticed the ordure of freshly peeved skunk in the air.
All in all, it is simply a great time of year. The air smells so fresh, you just have to open up the windows and let some of it in and that closed-up winter stuff out. Sheets hung out on the line are especially nice this time of year. I wonder if Jack would put up a closeline for me…
When spring really arrives, it makes you want to shake out the rugs and clean out the closets.
Well maybe I’m not quite not that ambitious yet, but at least I feel the urge take a little walk outside…

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