Clare County Review & Marion Press Columns

Pat’s Bits and Pieces: Holiday’s over, January is here again

With temperatures hovering in the mid-twenties, I’m glad today [Wednesday] is a stay-at-home-and-work-on-the-computer day. Of course, that’s most days these days…
No fireplace like on the river in our big camper, but the furnace is working hard to keep us both warm
The holidays are over once again and we are settling in for “a long winter’s nap” (I wish) again.
January can be a letdown after the excitement of the Christmas season is finally over.
It has been a good holiday, despite our current lack of snow. If it has to be so cold out there, I would like to see a bit of the white stuff on the ground – but not on the roads of course. I am hearing that we may be expecting snow soon. We will see, since the predictions from the weather people have at least a 50 percent chance of being right…
January is welcoming in another New Year with hopes that it will be better, healthier, more profitable, or more enjoyable than the last. And predictions are that it is going to get better.
It is making resolutions that may last all year or just a month.
January is cold blustery days and clear, still sparkling nights when the stars look close enough to touch.
It is sunrises when the sky is colored with pink and frosty blue. January is watching the snowflakes stream into your headlights on your way home in the evening.
And if you’re thinking there’s not much going on in January, here are some of the special things about the month: January is Eye Care Month, Hot Tea Month, National Blood Donor Month, National Braille Literacy Month, National Hobby Month, National Soup Month, National Staying Healthy Month and National Thank-You Month.
On the flip side, January is cold weather potential snow, dark at 4:30 pm.
Welcome to 2024, hopefully a better and more prosperous year for all of us.
It may be a new year, but the chaos continues with the war in Ukraine and the Gaza invasion dominating the news, that is when our political adversaries [Biden and Trump] aren’t stirring up trouble on the tube.
The U.S. budget didn’t commit suicide on the [as we called it back in 2012] “fiscal cliff.” Who made up those buzz words anyway? I want you to know I have got them on my own list of most forgettable stuff for past years. And we are still on the edge, I understand, with a deadline arriving in the next few days when the government’s money is due to run out – again (until they up the national debt again so we can keep going…
For the Maurer clan, most of 2023 was anything but a good year, and certainly not one I care to remember, since I spent most of it catching, or recovering from one virus or another.
And then there was the horrible summer of ’23 while I spent 7 long weeks in hospitals learning to talk, walk and eat by myself again. The first month was spent without a voice, something that those of you who know me, know I don’t do very well.
That time was spent pointing at alphabet letters as I tried to spell out what I felt I had to say. Of course, that didn’t work very well at all.
When I was finally released to go home (the day after Labor Day), it was a most welcome – welcome home. I am still appreciating being here (rather than there). The next two months were filled with tests, at home rehabilitation and now cardiac rehabilitation three times a week in Clare.
I am calling 2023 the year of allergies and emergencies. I know I certainly had more than my share, but I wasn’t alone as nearly everyone I knew was struggling with one problem or another all spring and summer!!
We all seem to be on the mend now though. Jack has a residual cough and stuffy nose, which I have been sharing with him.
Despite the circulating viruses, the holidays [Christmas and the New Year at least) were good around the Maurers. What more can you ask for?
Now another ‘New Year’ has arrived and the winter countdown has begun again. We won’t see another hopefully warm “festive” holiday until St. Patrick’s Day and the Irish Festival in Clare.
Meantime we have a few other events to look forward to and help us beat the winter blahs and those pesky attacks of “cabin fever over the next couple of months.” Valentine’s Day, and Harrison’s Frostbite Festival are coming up within the next six weeks or so.
I hope Harrison gets some snow this year.

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