Clare County Review & Marion Press Columns

Pat’s Bits and Pieces: Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving was Thursday (yesterday), although I am writing this column early due to the holiday.
It will be a quiet one for us, as Jack is currently fighting Covid, poor guy. He isn’t feeling too good. So far, I have escaped the virus, but am still quarantined with him. He tested positive on Sunday evening. Our sweet daughter has said she will help us however she can and is planning to leave our Thanksgiving dinner on the porch for us Thursday.
We could be complaining about our holiday being ruined, but instead I think this is the perfect time to think about all of those things we have to be thankful for. Specifically, a caring family and a great meal to share together – just the two of us.
Most of the time we (Jack and I anyway) forget to be thankful for what we have. It is always easier to dwell on the things you want, rather than the things you have – it is a very “human” trait, so it’s good we have a special holiday to stop and remember those things (and the people) we do have to be grateful for.
First for the USA, where we can gripe and complain all we want about the government and nobody shows up on our door to haul us away for it…
And, for being lucky enough to live in a country where we really do have the opportunity to work hard and make our lives better if we want to. Its great having the freedom to try and change things for the better – a tough job, I agree, but always possible.
When you are listing good things, you should also remember to look around and see all of the people right here in our own little part of the country who are out there trying to make things better for those of us who are less fortunate. Standing in line at a checkout last week, we saw a shopper slip a $20 to the cashier…just “to make her holiday a little better.” What a nice thing to do! We are lucky there are so many people – and groups with that “giving” spirit around us. Just check out the newspaper and see how many Thanksgiving dinners are being offered to those who don’t have the money, or the family to have their own.
It’s great that there are so many organizations to help out when it is needed and so many people dedicated to helping others. The US isn’t a perfect place to live, but it is certainly close.
And, despite winter, mid-Michigan is probably one of the best and safest places in the country to live.
I have to add that I am very thankful for our family, wonderful talented kids and grandkids and a bunch of beautiful great grandchildren too. Sometimes it is really nice to be the old folks: “G-ma and G-pa.”
Most of the family will be able to have a great dinner together and celebrate a couple of birthdays too. What more can you ask for? After all, I know we will be there for Christmas!
With Thanksgiving over for most, the holiday shopping season is now officially underway. Black Friday (when stores get back “in the black”) is here and I wish all of you shoppers good luck and short lines.
The Christmas shopping can wait. It always does for me anyway. I never even get started until mid-December…and I have given up trying to be that “Suzy homemaker” who has the house decorated by now and the presents all bought and wrapped up two weeks ahead of time. Actually, I don’t even think she really exists…
After all my motto has always been “Why do it today if you can possibly put it off for a day or two?”
Along with Thanksgiving, it is also the middle of this year’s firearm deer season. Son-in-Law Terry is still looking for that buck. We wish him luck (a touch of poetry there).
Hope your holiday was a super one. A belated Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

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