Clare County Review & Marion Press Columns

Pat’s Bits and Pieces: Busy, busy, busy and now more snow?


I was going to write about “Marvelous Muddy March” this week, but since we are buried under nearly a foot of snow out there, I guess I will save that topic for another time.
It may be March now, but it certainly isn’t spring, marvelous or otherwise. Not when you need to be plowed out twice in the same day during a storm complete with lightning and thunder and winds that would have blown me away if I had stepped outside!
Instead I stayed back here in my cozy office, blowing my nose and coughing (more about that further on) and listening to the wind blow a piece of our siding loose and bang it against the side of the wall just outside my window for hours…
When it let up a little late Monday afternoon, Jack managed to get out there and remove the loose siding piece and fasten down another that was headed the same way, so today (Tuesday) is a bit better for working.
What a storm we had to end February this crazy year. In fact, Clare was only one of a long, long list of school closings listed on the computer this morning. It looked like just about every school in the northern half of the state was closed by that ice, wind and thunder snow storm.
As I write this that is where I am at – on the next to the last day of the month, and yet again yesterday we had one heck of a storm complete with everything Mother Nature could think of to throw at us, including the terrible roads and piles of snow as frosting on the cake…
Sure made me thankful I was working here at home. I mean it may not be spring, but I can still go to work barefoot and in my pjs if I want (and I often do), regardless of the weather outside.
No trips to town for a quick grocery pickup, or lunch this week though. It was leftovers or tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches as our midday meal.
That’s just ‘so far.’ Jack, my resident ‘househusband,’ is talking about making meatloaf for supper, so we will have those leftovers tomorrow. Gotta love meatloaf sandwiches…
If you haven’t guessed, I am working exclusively from home these days. The addition of another newspaper to Mike’s group of weeklys, meant shifting employees around and the need for regular staff Keiley to use ‘my’ computer at work on Thursday’s when we put the pages together for the printer. Luckily that’s a job I can still do, only strictly from home now.
The down side of all that is I really miss seeing and having fun with my co-workers at the office once every week; and, the other? Regardless of the weather, I can always make it to work…
That is a good thing actually, because with the end of the month creeping up on me, I am working like mad these days to get everything ready for the publication of our annual Visitor’s Guide, which comes out mid-March.
It isn’t the best time to come down with something, which is exactly what I’ve done. Since last Thursday evening, I have been fighting a bug, maybe flu, or maybe a cold. Either way, I lost a couple of days of work because of it and it has slowed me way down.
Now I am behind.
Top that off with Irish Festival just twelve days away, it makes life a bit hectic both at the office and here at home as well. Just rounding up all of the Community Events for the VG, a regular part of the guide, was a full three or four day process (spread out over a couple of weeks) and now the task is finding great new things to write about in our area to let visitor’s and vacationers know just how great this part of Michigan really is. I like it, but it makes for a busy time of year for the newspaper… and for me.
Think Spring!

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