Clare County Review & Marion Press

Pat’s Bits and Pieces: All about January

With temperatures hovering in the mid-twenties, a winter storm forecast and already making an appearance, I’m glad today [Wednesday] is a stay-at-home-and-work-on-the-computer day.
Of course, every day is a stay-at-home-and-work-on-the-computer day, as I hole up in my office and watch the weather out the window…
In here the furnace is running and if I get chilly, there’s a space heater near my feet. It can’t get much better than that for a work environment although my boss (who is in the other room watching TV) is sometimes a pain…
Although with the holidays over once again, I would rather be “settling in for a long winter’s nap” as the poem goes. No luck there though, I have to round up the news for another issue.
January can be a letdown after the excitement of the Christmas season is finally over but you have to admit it is a pretty month with all the trees outlined in white and sparkling when the sun hits them.
This January means welcoming in another New Year with hopes that COVID will “exit the stage” and it will be better, healthier, more profitable, or more enjoyable than the last couple of years have been. So far not much luck there as the virus continues to surge all over the country.
But to take our minds off all of that, I thought I would make this column all about the month of January.
January means making resolutions that may last all year or usually (in my case) just a month.
January is cold blustery days and clear, still sparkling nights when the stars look close enough to touch.
It is sunrises when the sky is colored with pink and frosty blue.
January is watching the snowflakes stream into your headlights on your way home from (in my case) an evening meeting.
In fact, despite almost always being the coldest, snowiest month of the year, it does have some redeeming qualities. It is National Bath Safety Month; National Blood Donor Month; National Braille Literacy Month; National Hobby Month; Hot Tea Month; National Oatmeal Month; and best of all National Soup Month!
If you haven’t guessed already, I “googled” January. Actually, there’s something special about every single day. Here are just a few of the highlights coming up:
Today, January 7 is Old Rock Day.
January 8 is Bubble Bath Day and Elvis Presley’s Birthday (He would have been 87).
January 9 is National Apricot Day and National Static Electricity Day – scrub your socks across the rug day?
January 10 is Bittersweet Chocolate Day, Houseplant Appreciation Day and Peculiar People Day – you probably know a few of these.
January 11 is Learn Your Name in Morse Code Day and Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friends Day.
January 12 is National Hot Tea Day and the Feast of Fabulous Wild Men Day (?).
January 13 is Make Your Dreams Come True Day, International Skeptics Day and National Rubber Duckie Day.
January 14 is National Dress Up Your Pet Day.
January 15 is National Bagel Day and National Hat Day.
January 17 (my personal favorite) is Ditch Your Resolutions Day.
January 18 is Thesaurus Day and Winnie the Pooh Day (the birthday of Winnie’s author A.A. Milne).
The 19th is Popcorn Day, and National Tin Can Day.
January 20 is National Cheese Lover Day and Penguin Awareness Day. (I’ll let you know if I see any wandering around)
January 21 is National Hugging Day and Squirrel Appreciation Day.
January 22 is National Blonde Brownie Day (another favorite).
January 23 is National Pie Day and Measure Your Feet Day (?).
January 24 is Beer Can Appreciation Day and Global Belly Laugh Day.
January 25 is Opposite Day.
January 26 is Australia Day and Spouse’s Day.
January 27 is Chocolate Cake Day (another favorite of mine) and Punch the Clock Day.
January 28 is Fun at Work Day and National Kazoo Day.
January 29 is National Puzzle Day and National Corn Chip Day.
January 30 is National Inane Answering Message Day.
January 31 is Backward Day and if the month ends on the last Monday of the month like this year, it is Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day!
There’s actually much more, but if we celebrate all these, the month should just about fly by!

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