Clare County Review & Marion Press Columns

Pat’s Bits and Pieces: “A day at the “office”

It has been an interesting day.
Now that my office is here at home, you would think I’d be bored hanging around the house most of the time, but my “schedule” doesn’t allow that. How can it when now I get to watch all of those great old TV shows I missed during the era of raising children and holding down a full-time job? Besides, the “wardrobe” around here is ultra-casual. In fact, although I probably shouldn’t admit it, I sometimes still have pjs on until nearly noon (or even all day).
Jack gets a home cooked meal most days and if I have time for it, a two-hour lunch isn’t out of the question. The housework and the laundry don’t get behind nearly as much anymore since the washer and dryer are only one doorway south of the computer. I have time for reading in the afternoon or watching TV (unheard of in the past years) or for visitors.
In spite of all my self-imposed interruptions, I still seem to get as my articles written much, I did at the old office, and after the doctor ordered less stress, and my recent writing cutback, I don’t feel too guilty when I give myself a break every couple of hours on the two days a week when I do some work. My therapist says it is good for my brain (?).
This week my scheduled is even less, as I am recovering from another bout with a sinus infection. It has been the year for them for me, along with a bout of anaphylactic shock during a test in July that triggered a heart attack and landed me in the hospital for most of the summer. Luckily, I was in the best place possible to have one – I was in the hospital at the time. When that happened, with God’s help, the efforts of my doctors and the hospital staff, my best friend and hubby Jack and the rest of the family’s constant attention and encouragement, I’m still around to do some writing.
It looks like spring outside today (Wednesday) but the thermometer says 24º, so guess I will stay in here where it’s warm and do some reading, and probably napping, this afternoon.
I love the windows in our mobile home, even if I gripe about the size and lack of storage for all the “stuff” I couldn’t part with when we moved here almost three years ago. Even though I can’t go out, I can “see” out and we certainly have a big view here. The sunrise on the east is sometimes fabulous and so is the sunset from the other view in the west from the living room. We have six big windows in our tiny living room and a spacious view from each – almost like a sun room.
Have you noticed all of the geese hanging around this year? Seems like they should all be heading south by now. Jack said they are probably spend their summers up north somewhere and are using this area as a stopover on their way south.
Bird watching at lunchtime was another experience I loved at the old house, except for the light hitting our sliding glass door by the feeders must have resembled a mirror at that time of day. Nearly every day, at least one of our feathered visitors out by the feeders went after their reflections in the glass, giving themselves good headaches in the process and leaving a few feathers on the door. We lost a few visitors in that same suicidal manner, unfortunately. Here in our ‘big camper’, one of first things we did was put in feeders in front of the south facing windows. They became a popular “bird buffet” almost immediately.
By The Way! Many thanks to all of you who sent well-wishes by email, calls and cards. I’m still receiving them and they brighten my days!
Oh, and the lovely dish of Bread Pudding, a gift from Lynn at the Mulberry Café at the Herrick House – the first I’ve had that tastes like what my Mom used to make. She has been gone for 20 years. I’ve never been able to duplicate it. If I beg, I might be able to get that recipe…

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