Clare County Review & Marion Press

Pat’s Bits 7 Pieces: Thing Spring–and green, It’s Irish Festival

March so far has been quiet…and cold.
I don’t know if that qualifies as “in like a lamb” or not, but it certainly hasn’t been warm enough for signs of spring this week, although the sun has been shining quite a bit.
In fact it has been shining so much, and snowing, and raining, that I am tempted to dub this March as the Month of icy roads.
School closed for four days on the last week of February due to the treacherous back roads, and we lost another school day this week (Monday) after four inches of snow fell…buy the way on Tuesday it was all melting away again – and making more ice again of course overnight, but at least our drive way is no longer a skating rink.
Our steps were pretty slippery Monday evening though from the melting snow on the roof settling on our little porch. Note to self: Hang onto the rail when you go out.
I keep hoping all of this gets out of Mother Nature’s system by next week for the Irish Festival. After two years of cancelled and reduced events due to COVID, I thing we deserve a nice weekend for the festivities this year.
You know Clare’s Irish Festival is that time of year when everyone discovers that they are a “a wee bit Irish,” and of course they set out to celebrate the fact. Nice weather for the weekend would be good!
So, I checked on AccuWeather, (which Jack says is right about 50 percent of the time) and here’s what I found.
AccuWeather says we’re in for some very chilly nights, in the teens all the way through to the beginning of April, but the highs next week and through the end of the month should be up in the low 40s with mostly cloudy, except for a bit of sunshine on the16th and then on the 22nd and 25th. They say the only fully sunny day between now and April 3rd will be on the 26th. has a more positive outlook, although I am not sure exactly where the predictions are for. They are predicting a high of 41 and low of 19 on Sunday; by the 16th – Wednesday and the beginning of the Festival, a high of 55 and low of 30 with some sun. On St. Patrick’s Day they say it will get up to 68 with a low of 48, but will be stormy. Friday looks nearl the same but with a clear sky, and on Saturday they are saying clear with a high of 69 and a low of 39…wouldn’t that be nice if it is true for this area…
Daylight Savings Time begins on the 13th this year and Spring arrives on March 20. I sure hope it really does arrive, guess we will have to wait and see.
It always seems like a long time to wait this time of year when everyone is desperate for spring.
I keep hoping the higher temperatures predicted by Weather25 are the ones we get. Maybe if we all wish hard enough…
March also means that the annual Business and Visitor’s Guide will be published, hopefully in the next week. I have been working on article for that magazine for the last three weeks or more and just turned all of the articles and pictures in on Monday. Now the office staff will have to put it all together.
It sure has been a busy time of the year. I always plan to start calling for information earlier, but I always seem to end up working three or four weekends anyway. It has been a busy time (and weekend) but the Visitor’s Guide will be coming out soon, so watch for it.
One article, the “Community Events” just about wore my phone out with all of the calls to find out events, locations, dates and times. Took me a trio of 8-hour days just to finish the single article up, and of course there was a lot more to do, mostly on the past three weekends, since that’s when I have the most time for extra stuff…
Now it’s finally done for another year and it should be out within the next week or so.
I’m glad to get a little break before the 47th Irish Festival events begin next week. I just can’t miss the Irish Festival fun. I will be at as many events as possible with my trusty camera/phone, so watch for pictures in the issue of the 25th!