Columns Three Rivers Commercial-News, Penny Saver, & Sturgis Sentinel

“Out and About” Weather, events, and Consumer Reports facts

Today is a special day to celebrate. On March 3, 1931, the Star-Spangled Banner was officially named America’s National Anthem. I know very few people who can sing our anthem the way it was written.
The month of February passed quickly. Normally, February is extremely cold and snowy, but Mother Nature has been kind to us here in St. Joe County. Those counties to the north of us have taken the brunt of Nature’s wrath. They are strong and I’m sure they have handled anything given to them. Hopefully, we’ll be strong through the month of March.
To help us celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, the Riviera Theatre, located in historic downtown Three Rivers, will host a St. Patrick’s concert on Saturday, March 18, at 7 PM. Kennedy’s Kitchen will provide the music and there will be plenty of food and beverage available for everyone. Ticket prices for adults are $20 per person and students are admitted FREE. Advance tickets can be purchased at the theatre and Lowry’s Books & More. All proceeds from this event will benefit the Three Rivers Promise.
Later in March there will be a walleye dinner and silent auction fundraiser benefiting TRAM (Three Rivers Area Mentoring). Saturday, March 25, from 5 PM until 8 PM, the Fraternal Order of Eagles #2303 will host this event. The cost to attend is $17/person. Tickets may be purchased in advance at Lowry’s Books & More. You may call (269)278-8726 for more information. The Eagles is located at 715 East Hoffman, at the junction of Hoffman Street and M-60 in Three Rivers.
I have never checked with Consumer Reports, when I’ve been in the market for making a major purchase, or even a minor one. I happened to glance at a recent copy and came to the conclusion that since my father is no longer living, it might not hurt to check with this publication on occasion. Here are some interesting facts that I discovered:
• It’s not really necessary to prime your walls prior to painting if you use a self-priming paint with an excellent rating of hiding. It’s always smart to check prices, but Dad used to remind me that you get what you pay for when it comes to buying anything.
• There is no nutritional difference between “cage-free” eggs and others. Even though the hens weren’t raised in a cage, they still could have been packed into a building with thousands of other birds. If you know someone who raises chickens, you might want to check with them and offer to be a friend.
• Bread labeled “Made with whole grains” is not necessarily healthier. “Made with whole grains” may mean the bread has some whole grains, but it could be just a small amount, along with less healthy refined grains. You would be better off buying bread labeled “100% whole grain”.
I sometimes wonder how much control the FCC has when it comes to what is shown on television. You can’t see an ad for cigarettes anymore, but you don’t have to look far to see ads for products that will enhance your love life. Movies are the same, when it comes to rating. This is especially true when it comes to language. The strings have been loosened. It’s hard to find a movie that I’d want to take my mother to see. I won’t even mention the violence and gore.
You can’t reach 80 hale and hearty, by driving 80 home from the party. – BURMA SHAVE
See you Out and About!
Norm Stutesman lives in Three Rivers. He receives mail at P.O. Box 103 in Three Rivers.

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