The first television I remember having was a 17-inch, black and white table model that my parents bought at the Firestone store here in Three Rivers. We got it back in the fifties. Back then, we could get channel three in Kalamazoo and channel eight in Grand Rapids. Cable wasn’t around yet, but we did have a roof-mounted antenna that worked just fine. Remote controls weren’t around either, so in order to change channels, we had to actually get up out of our chair and turn the knob on the TV. We had commercials back then, but not as many as we do today. We had to have commercials in order to pay for having TV.
These days, just about everyone has some type of cable service, which we must pay for, and we have over one hundred channels to choose from. My question is, if we are already paying for the cable service, why should we have to be bothered with the commercials? We have counted and have found that during some commercial breaks, we are subjected to watching up to twelve different commercials. It just doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. Thank God for the “mute” button.
Last week we had municipal elections. If you didn’t agree with the way the city was run, you had the opportunity to elect someone you thought might do a better job. I guess just about everyone is happy with the way the city of Three Rivers is being handled, because only about 18 percent of the registered voters turned out to cast their vote. Voter turnout has been shamefully poor over the past few years. The City Commission and the County Commission meet regularly. Unfortunately, attendance at these meetings isn’t the greatest. If you are a registered voter, do your civic duty and get off the couch and vote. Too many have paid the price for the right for you to cast that ballot.
Last Saturday, we celebrated Veterans Day. A day we thank those men and women who have stepped up and served our country in the Armed Forces. I thank all you brothers and sisters who have put on that uniform and proudly served.
Thanksgiving is next week. As you do your Thanksgiving shopping, pick up a few extra items for the local food site. They are always in need of non-perishable food items. This is also the time to think of that neighbor who lives alone. Set an extra place at the table and be a good neighbor.
It’s also a good time to remember those living in a senior living facility. Take over some tasty treats that can be shared with everyone. It’s also a good opportunity to visit with some of the residents who might not have family visiting them. They are often forgotten and no one should celebrate Thanksgiving alone.
A reminder that there isn’t any trash pickup on Thanksgiving Day. It will be done a day later.
The Stone Cottage Free Store is always in need of warm clothing. The warm temperatures we’ve been blessed with lately won’t last much longer. The Free Store is located behind the First Presbyterian Church in Three Rivers, at the corner of West and Bennett Streets. They are open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 a.m. until noon. If you have donations, please try to be there before 11:30 a.m.
Traveling men know ease and speed, their shaving kits hold all they need. – BURMA SHAVE
See you Out and About!
Norm Stutesman lives in Three Rivers. He receives mail at P.O. Box 103 in Three Rivers.