Columns Three Rivers Commercial-News, Penny Saver, & Sturgis Sentinel

“Out and About” Memorial Day, end of the school year, and walking

This week we celebrated Memorial Day. It was more a day of remembrance than a day of celebration. We honored those members of our Armed Forces who have passed, whether in an armed conflict or in peacetime. It was great to have so many in attendance at Riverside Cemetery for the brief ceremony. Let’s do this again next year and let’s remember those veterans every day.
Memorial Day is also recognized as the first day of summer, even though summer doesn’t actually begin until next month. Beginning on Memorial Day, gentlemen may wear white, especially when it comes to footwear. Enjoy this time, but remember next June 22, the days will start getting shorter.
The school year is drawing to a close. There used to be signs stating, “School is out, drive carefully.” This is notice that children will be playing outside, so we should all be watchful of children playing in or near the streets. In the fall, there were signs stating, “Drive carefully, children are on their way to school, so be careful in school zones.” I’m thinking that we should always be on the lookout for children, no matter if they are in school or out of school.
This is also the season when most folks will spend more time outdoors enjoying the weather. Walking is a great form of exercise. Not only can it help one control their weight, but it’s also a way to boost one’s creativity. Walking increases the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the brain, which can open the gates to enhanced creativity. Research has shown that the brain uses about three times as much oxygen for healthy neuron function as muscles do and is extremely sensitive to decreases in oxygen levels. Studies have shown that the simple act of getting up from your desk and taking a short walk can help trigger ideas.
Here are some suggestions on where you might want to go walking.

  • Walk around your neighborhood block. If you want to just get some exercise, walk around your block. You don’t need to worry about walking a certain distance and then having to turn around to walk home. A typical walk around your block could easily amount to about a half a mile. Go around your block twice and you’ve walked a mile.
  • Meyer Broadway Park. Located west of US-131 on Broadway has a walking path taking you right to the park. There are several trails to walk and the scenery is great. Take the family dog with you.
  • A stroll downtown. Walk the downtown business district and check out what’s there. There are a couple fine shops and even a place or two to stop and enjoy a cup of coffee.
  • Scidmore Park. There’s a playground for the kids and places to stop and enjoy the riverside.
  • Riverside Cemetery. This is a popular place for walkers. I find it fascinating to check out some of the headstones. You’d be surprised to see how many deceased friends you’ll find by just walking around. The cemetery is open until dusk.
    Finally, here are several things that might make you chuckle, or roll your eyes:
  • What’s the difference between a hippo and a zippo? One is really heavy and the other is a little lighter.
  • I went to buy some camouflage trousers yesterday, but couldn’t find any.
  • What do you call a bee that can’t make up its mind? A maybee.
    “She kissed the hairbrush by mistake. She thought it was her husband, Jake.” -BURMA SHAVE
    See you Out and About!
    Norm Stutesman lives in Three Rivers. He receives mail at P.O. Box 103 in Three Rivers.

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