By Aaron Mitchell
Otsego City Manager
The City of Otsego recently has taken possession of the former Elks Lodge located at 113 S. Farmer St. in downtown Otsego.
The intent of the acquisition is for the City to retain control of the property going forward given its location adjacent to Otsego City Hall and the Otsego Fire Department.
The former Elks Club went defunct several years ago and the property was scheduled to go back to the Allegan County Treasurer via tax foreclosure if no action was taken. The previous taxes that were owed were paid in exchange for control of the property.
The City of Otsego does not have any immediate plans for the property, but would like to hear some options on what developers envision this property becoming. The City currently has an open Request for Proposal (RFP) period on this property until Thursday, May 23. This will allow time for potential developers who have the ability and vision to develop the property into a successful use for downtown Otsego to come forward.
If the development is acceptable to the City Commission, they will conduct negotiations to enter into a development agreement to have the property eventually change hands to the developer.
The previous use of the property was a lounge, which is obvious with the existing infrastructure of a commercial kitchen, dining room and bar. However, the City Commission remains open to hearing all legal uses of this property moving forward.
The building is aged and will require repairs for any use. However, there is an incredible value in the building when compared to new construction costs as it offers a large space of 7,400-plus square feet.
The RFP with all of the details pertaining to the building and its potential development can be found at www.cityofotsego.org.
The building has been an incredible asset for the Otsego community going back multiple generations. It is hard to think that it may all have to go away, but unfortunately that will likely be the outcome if a suitable developer is not found.
If no development occurs, the building will likely be demolished and become a public greenspace.
Any questions or comments can be directed to Otsego City Manager Aaron Mitchell at amitchell@cityofotsego.org or (269) 692-3301.