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OHS recognizes top seniors from Class of ‘23

Twenty-four members of the Otsego High School class of 2023 graduated with distinction by virtue of amassing a grade point average of at least 4.0. Those seniors were (front row from left) Wilhelm Hawes, Payton Carter, Tyler VanderLugt, Hollianne Sheneman, Eleanore Bush, Addy-son Thomas, (middle row) Sidney Morris, Sophie Maxwell, Emma Wrobleski, Jenna Ballman, Caroline Finch, Tessa Visser, Mya McPherson, Ellyanna Eckert, Alexandra Bonebrake, (back row) Trevor Johnson, McKinley Kinnane, Randy Hudon, Jr., Cooper Smalldon, Colin Wessel-dyk, Luke Aldrich, Colin Rochon, Madison Hoffman and Thelma Hazen. (Photo provided)

By Jason Wesseldyk
Sports Editor

Addyson Thomas had no trouble finding ways to stay busy during her time at Otsego High School.
In addition to being president of the National Honor Society and treasurer of the Student Council, Thomas also participated in St. Margaret’s youth program, Purple Committee, the VanAndel Institute Ambassador Program, Bulldog Buddies and was a Rotary Youth Leadership Awards Attendant.
Athletically, Thomas was a member of the girls track and field team during the spring.
And on top of all that, she still devoted plenty of time to her academics, as evidenced by the fact that she was named OHS Class of 2023 valedictorian.
Thomas and salutatorian Tyler VanderLugt were two of the 24 members of their class to graduate with distinction by virtue of posting a grade point average of 4.0 or higher.
Thomas plans to attend Purdue University to major in chemical or biological engineering.
VanderLugt, meanwhile, will attend the University of Michigan to study software engineering and data science.
VanderLugt’s high school activities included tennis—for which he served as a captain during his senior season—baseball and National Honor Society.
Here’s a look at the other members of the OHS class of 2023 who graduated with distinction:
Luke Aldrich will attend the University of Michigan to major in chemical or mechanical engineering.
At OHS, he participated in cross country (captain), track, swim, National Honor Society and the Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council. 
Jenna Ballman will attend Michigan State University to study business (marketing or supply chain management).
In high school, she participated in volleyball—both high school (captain) and Dead Frog—basketball, tennis (captain), National Honor Society and was a senior advisor.
Alexandra Bonebrake will attend Kalamazoo College to study biology and chemistry to be a researcher. 
Eleanor Bush will attend Michigan Technological University to study applied ecology and environmental science. She hopes to work with the National Park Service.
In high school, Bush was a Rotary Youth Leadership Awards Attendant, Freshman Mentor, Senior Class Officer, Peer to Peer Link and competitive dancer at Patti Herm School of Dance. She also was in the National Honor Society (secretary), on the Purple Committee and part of the track & field and cross country (captain) teams.
Payton Carter will attend the University of Michigan to study choral music.
At OHS, she participated in golf, National Honor Society, soccer, cross country, musicals, Kalamazoo Academy of Rock, voice lessons, choir, tennis and a duo band for the last two years.
Ellyanna Eckert will attend the University of Michigan to study nursing.
In high school, she participated in the marching band (section leader senior year), concert & symphonic band where she was the principle clarinet player three of four years and National Honor Society.
Caroline Finch will attend Purdue University to major in statistics.
At OHS, she participated in tennis, golf, Purple Committee, National Honor Society and was a Senior Class Officer. 
Wilhelm Hawes will attend Michigan State University to study astrophysics. In high school, he was on the tech crew/sound board for the auditorium.
Thelma Hazen will attend Kalamazoo College to major in engineering and with a Chinese/Korean minor.
At OHS, she participated in Quiz Bowl, National Honor Society, band and taekwondo (sparring captain).
Madison Hoffman will attend Central Michigan University to study early education.
In high school, she participated in softball (Captain), basketball, volleyball, National Honor Society and Links.
Randy Hudon, Jr. will enter the workforce after graduation as an electrician at Buist Electric. He was involved with the electrician work-based program at the Allegan Area Tech Center.
At OHS, he participated in football (captain) and track & field.
Trevor Johnson will complete the Early College Allegan County Program next year then continue onto a university to major in marine biology.
In high school, he participated in band, cross country (captain), track & field, and National Honor Society.
McKinley Kinnane will attend Michigan State University to study human biology to become an oncologist.
At OHS, she participated in Student Council, Bulldog Buddies, Leaders in Training, volleyball, and bowling (captain).
Sophia Maxwell will attend Western Michigan University to study trombone performance and music education.
At OHS, she participated in National Honor Society, Student Council, Purple Committee, Leaders in Training, Future Proud Michigan Educator, marching, concert, symphonic, jazz & pep band, and was on the tennis, golf and basketball teams. 
Mya McPherson will attend Northern Michigan University to double major in biology and dance.
During high school, she participated in marching, concert, symphonic, jazz and pep band where she was a section leader in percussion. She was also a part of Student Council, Purple Committee, National Honor Society, pit orchestra, the competitive dance team at Patti Herm School of Dance and was the Senior Class President. 
Sidney Morris will attend the University of Michigan to study biology to be a radiation oncologist.
In high school, she participated in swim (captain), tennis, Purple Committee, National Honor Society and was a Senior Class Officer. 
Colin Rochon will attend Ball State University to major in education to be a high school social studies teacher.
At OHS, he participated in soccer, track and field, tech crew, Links and was on the O-Town News.
Hollianne Sheneman will attend Central Michigan University to study sociology and criminal justice.
At OHS, she participated in choir, musicals, National Honor Society and Quiz Bowl.
Cooper Smalldon will attend Western Michigan University to study aerospace or mechanical engineering.
In high school, he participated in Student Council (president), National Honor Society (vice president), Purple Committee, LINKS, Leaders in Training, basketball (captain), soccer (captain), golf (captain), and was a class officer.
Tessa Visser will attend Central Michigan University to study communication sciences and disorders to be a speech pathologist.
At OHS, she participated in National Honor Society, golf, softball, basketball, Student Council and youth group.
Colin Wesseldyk will attend Central Michigan University to major in vocal performance/cinema arts to pursue a career in the film industry. He also plans to run cross country at CMU.
At OHS, he participated in cross country (captain), track & field, baseball, musical, chamber singers and National Honor Society. 
Emma Wrobleski will attend Kalamazoo College to study biology to become a physician’s assistant.
In high school, she was a Rotary Youth Leadership Awards Attendant, freshmen mentor, senior class officer, Link and dancer at Patti Herm School of Dance. She also served on the Purple Committee and was in the National Honor Society.

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