Courier-Leader & Paw Paw Flashes News Three Rivers Commercial-News, Penny Saver, & Sturgis Sentinel


Ever wanted to own a slice of local history, an old piece of newspaper history, or just browse the newspaper’s office? – Well, now’s your chance. The Three Rivers Commercial-News Newspaper in Three Rivers is holding an estate sale-like event this weekend.

In an effort to clean out several decades worth of stuff we’ve accumulated, we’re allowing patrons to browse the entirety of our office and buy whatever they want in it. On sale is dozens of pieces of office furniture, antique newspaper equipment, vintage Apple computers, office supplies, and even the entirety of our physical archives, including bound volumes from the 1930s and old photos.

The sale will be held from 8-5 on Friday 7/21, Saturday 7/22, and possibly Sunday 7/23, at 124 N Main Street, Three Rivers.  So, stop on by, we’d love to see you!

– and for those of you wondering, no, we are not going out of business. We are simply cleaning out our office.

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