Courier-Leader & Paw Paw Flashes

Nesbitt maintains perfect voting record

LANSING, Mich. — State Sen. Aric Nesbitt was present for every one of the Michigan Senate’s 494 roll call votes in 2021, according the Mackinac Center for Public Policy’s watchdog site
“I was elected to do a job; it is my duty to show up,” said Nesbitt, R-Lawton. “I am grateful every day that I am able to serve as a voice in the state Senate for the people of the 26th District; it is a responsibility I hold dearly.
“I remain committed to maintaining my perfect voting record through 2022 as well. These past few years have been very difficult on the people of our state. There is plenty of work to be done as we continue to heal from the effects of the coronavirus pandemic and build up a healthier economy and a healthier future for our families and communities.”
Nesbitt’s perfect 2021 voting record marks nine consecutive years without missing a vote as a state legislator. He began representing the 26th Senate District in 2019 after previously serving three terms in the state House from 2011-2017; he has been present for every one of the 5,619 votes cast during his time in the Legislature.
Nesbitt was one of 14 senators who did not miss any votes in 2021; a full record is available at
“People across my district work hard every day to improve the quality of life for themselves, their families, and their neighbors,” Nesbitt said. “They deserve the same dedication from me as one of their elected officials.”

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