Clare County Review & Marion Press

Missaukee receives projected revenue loss

By John Raffel

MCBAIN – Connie Underhill, of Baird Cotter Bishop, was at last week’s Missaukee County Board of Commissioner meeting and reviewed the report she prepared regarding Missaukee County’s revenue loss calculation during the Covid-19 pandemic, as required for the American Rescue Plan Act funds reporting.
Underhill reported the total projected revenue loss for the County was $1,424,089.
Representatives from POLCO, were present electronically and did a review of the results from the recent Missaukee County Resident and Business Surveys to get input on the American Rescue Plan Act
Funding usage.
Elizabeth Vogel, County Administrator, gave a monthly report.
The board voted to approve participation in the Opioids Settlement and to instruct the County Administrator to monitor all next steps including a participating agreement, release, if applicable, and model resolution to be brought back to the board in the future.
The board approved the amendment to increase the State’s
amount for the Recycling Center Upgrade Project by $14,000 from $73,840 to $87,840 and increase the Grantee Match by $16,200 from $18,460 to $34,660.
Commissioners also approved the purchase of a refurbished baler for the
Recycling Center for $9,100 from Speed-Tech Equipment. It will be paid from the Recycling Fund.
Wilbur Yancer, Sheriff; Aaron Sogge, EMS Director, and Heather Harris-Bryant, Missaukee Commission on Aging, gave monthly reports of their respective departments.