Why are we still supplying Ukraine with taxpayer money and weapons? Wouldn’t the hundreds of billions of dollars we have sent to fight the proxy war against Russia, be put to better use at home? I certainly think so.
We have been told by our leaders for over 70 years that we must enter in to global conflicts to protect freedom at home. These global conflicts have taken a huge toll on us- many thousands of young men and women have died fighting, while much needed improvements at home have been set aside to fund the endless conflicts.
I ask you, what has been accomplished by these conflicts?
The Korean War over time has made South Korea and wealthy nation, but its counterpart North Korea has become a nuclear power ruled by a despot that my fire missiles at us at any time. Beyond China and Russia, North Korea, and its unpredictable leader, is of grave concern to the United States.
Remember Viet Nam? We invested thousands of troops and billions of dollars to fight a war to protest “freedom” against Communism. Well that didn’t work out very well. We hastily left after many years of fighting and the Viet Cong overrunning Saigon. But with that loss, a unified Vietnam is a very progressive country nowadays, no thanks to us.
Next came the conflict in Iraq. We committed troops there to fight for freedom, eliminated Saddam Hussein, and quickly eradicated the enemy. But we left a government in turmoil despite our best efforts at nation building. To this day, Iraq is unstable, and basically under the influence of its bitter enemy, Iran.
Next it was on to Afghanistan for another freedom fighting excursion. Troops were committed, money was sent, all to no avail. Like Russia (Soviet Union) before us, we spent a couple of decades trying to plant our brand of freedom there, only to leave abruptly leaving behind citizens and billions of dollars of military weaponry that is now in the hands of the Taliban and China. Afghanistan has reverted to the control of the fundamentalist U.S. hating Taliban.
And now we are providing money and weaponry to Ukraine, all in the name of freedom for the brave Ukrainians and us here in the U.S. The fear is if Russia wins, they will move on Poland or another NATO nation to expand their imperialistic ideals.
I find it strange, however, that the very countries we are protecting, the NATO countries, are supplying very little to their fighting neighbor, Ukraine. Germany, the richest European country be far, has thrown a few billion dollars at the war, but really seems quite disinterested. Ditto Italy, Spain, etc. etc. This appears to be a Ukrainian war effort propped up by U.S. taxpayer dollars.
I’d rather see those dollars help U.S. citizens. Shut off the money spigot to Ukraine and what will you get? Most likely peace. If the funds and weapons stop coming, Zelenskyy would be forced to the bargaining table.
I fear however, the U.S. Military Industrial Complex will escalate, rather than look for a peaceful solution. And just like the conflicts of the past 70 years, after trillions of dollars and many of our fine men and women lost at war, freedom will evade Ukraine. We will have fought, again, for nothing.
We need to seek a peaceful solution and not perpetuate a war that will overextend our resources. Learn from past conflicts. War won’t necessarily bring freedom.