After hip replacement surgery and a scheduled knee surgery, I still say I’m not getting old even though my age, and sometimes my body would disagree..
Turning 30 never bothered me. Ditto when I celebrated my 40th. But now that I’m long past 60, I got to unequivocally say, 1 don’t want to get old. Or maybe I should say, I can’t get old. Why? -because I have a 22-year-old young adult, my only kid, that I have to enjoy many more years of camaraderie with. I have a partner a fiance, a companion that would be mighty upset if she didn’t have the opportunity to beat me in pickleball.
Because I have no pension or life insurance I will be working until I die, But that’s okay, I like it that way. God forbid if my excellent health ever turns south. Thus when AARP sends me a mailing each month offering a briefcase or small piece of luggage if I sign-up and officially become a senior citizen, the mailing goes right into the trash can. I refuse to take advantage of senior citizen specials- I simply cannot or will not get old.
I am jealous of those that have adequately planned for their retirement. My dad was able to retire at 60. He spent a third of his life living it up in sunny Florida, not having to worry about where his next paycheck came from. My brother-in-law, a state cop, retired by age 55. My brother, who has worked for Oakland County, all of his adult life, also retired at 55.
And me. I chose to be an entrepreneur. I chose to own my own businesses. I chose to put money in businesses versus a retirement plan. Now that I have past the time I should be kicking back and on the golf links each morning I’m up at 6, readying for a 10-plus hour work day. Am I the new version of 60-plus? I very well could be. The rocking chair and countless hours watching television is not for me. No, I’d rather be out in my boat, or on the basketball court.
The only thing I watch on the boob tube is sports. I’d much rather be entertained by Facebook or video games. My diet is that of a teenager. I feed my tummy plenty of McDonald French fries and chocolate shakes. I love pizza and eat a cheese and pepperoni once a week- sometimes twice.
Regular check-ups or hospital visits are not for me. 1 can’t tell you the last time a medical professional examined me. I could be filled with cancer, I suppose, and not even know it. But hey, I’m rarely sick, am not overweight, and do get quite a bit of exercise. I guess 1 attest to the theory that the new 50, is actually 40, and the new 70 is actually 55. At least I’d like to think I have plenty of time left to grow old. Right now, I still have way too much to experience to even think about being a typical senior citizen.