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Mike’s Musings: Far greater problems than classified documents

I’m having a hard time believing that the former president of the United States might go to prison because he kept classified documents at his home in Mar-A-Lago.
Isn’t that what all presidents do. I dare you name me one that hasn’t take what he considers his own- whether they be classified or not, home to his library. You can add to the mix our current president who apparently took classified documents for years and placed them in his garage, Chinatown and other areas. So did former vice-president Mike Pence.
Don’t we as a nation have bigger problems than recovering old, classified documents and punishing one person that took them? We need to end the Ukraine-Russian war. We need to do all we can to bring inflation and interest rates down to pre-COVID levels. We need to stop the influx of illegals at our southern border. I could go on and on with problems that rise above the level of classified documents a 76-year-old harbors at his residence.
The right of a president to keep classified documents has been a point of contention for years. The government, in particular the National Archives believes they should be in their possession. Presidents on the other hand, who either wrote the documents or had them written, believe they belong in their libraries.
But somewhere along the line after Bill Clinton was found with classified documents in his sock drawer and his wife destroyed several thousand classified emails, the punishment for presidents has become greater, at least if your name is Trump.
What tickles me is that over $50,000,000 documents are classified each year by our federal government. Some pundits have said we must stop classifying everything because it just isn’t necessary. I wholeheartedly agree. Documents should only be classified if they are of extreme importance.
By classifying virtually everything, it makes it darn difficult for anyone to keep track of what is classified and what isn’t. Some of us think Trump, Biden and others are purposely taking these documents. I’m not so sure. I think it’s impossible to delineate the classified from the unclassified.
Then too, I think, Trump has been out of office for 3.5 years. These documents are pretty darn old- his presidency was from 2017 to January 2021. Are they relevant now? With the constantly changing political landscape, I hardly think so.
I agree Trump was careless with the documents. As he is prone to do, he bragged about them and showed them to friends. He certainly deserves a slap on the wrist for doing so. However jail time, give me a break. I wouldn’t expect those in power to slap a jail sentence on Hilary nor Biden. I wouldn’t want to see that happen to Trump either.
If you are so upset with his actions during his four year term as president, then vote against him in the presidential election. But don’t call for jail time. What goes around comes around, and no president is perfect. Next time it very well may be the opposite party’s president.
Stop the nonsense and get back to solving the many problems that face our nation today.

One Reply to “Mike’s Musings: Far greater problems than classified documents

  1. I left my church when I found out the pastor was a trump supporter. Not so much because of his political beliefs but more because I wondered what else he was wrong about. I didn’t trust his brain. Sorry to say I just can’t pick up your publication anymore. I’m sorry you don’t think we can hold him accountable while doing other govt business

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