I never thought I would be writing about 2024. When I was a youngster, the year 2000 seemed so futuristic, let alone 2024. We are almost a quarter of the way through the 21st Century, yet my mind always reverts to the 20th Century, where I have spent most of my formative and adult years.
That said, I want to make 2024 special. I want to be a better person. I want to make resolutions that I don’t abandon by February 15. Calendar.com provides a guide on what we should do to actually see our resolutions to fruition. For instance:
It is suggested we map out monthly themes versus framing an entire year. It is more likely we can accomplish what we want in a month, than having to do it an entire year.
Track the time you spend on certain functions. Maybe spend more time documenting your weight or how you spend your paycheck. Spend less time on social media. Calendar suggests we limit to 15 minutes per day. Personally, I know I couldn’t reach that goal, so I will shoot for 30 minutes.
It is always good to dream big, but we should break those lofty goals down in to achievable measures. Be specific. Instead of ordering pizza twice a week, cut it back to once a week. Don’t tell yourself you are gonna walk three miles a day. Instead walk two miles every three days.
Create a bucket list for 2024 and determine which month you are going to fulfill those items on the list. Maybe you desire to take a vacation in Europe? Determine which month works for you and start planning immediately. Maybe an item on your list is as simple as visiting a tourist attraction a few miles away. Put that on your monthly list as well.
So often the process of achieving a goal is derailed because of some unforeseen setback. Many of us tend to get so disappointed with the setback that we simply quit. We can’t do that. I always say life is a series of ups and downs, but no matter what, we need to charge forward.
Don’t be afraid to reboot an area of your life. That’s right. We reboot computers every day. Alistair Smith once said, “Getting stuck is not a problem. Staying stuck is. Good learners practice getting unstuck.” Take time to stop, listen and reflect, and your conscience will reveal the real issue to you. Then once you know, take decisive action.
Expressing gratitude is a great way to start 2024 off on the right foot, and it provides you with a sense of worth and wellbeing. Showing gratitude for the positive things we experience each day will reduce anxiety and depression, make us feel more energized and sleep easier.
One last note. Accomplishing all seven seems it bit foreboding, so again, break it up. Accomplish one goal at a time. We aren’t superhuman, but if we practice and try, I believe you and I can accomplish the goals or resolutions we set forth for 2024. I’m going to give it a try. Hopefully you will too.
Happy New Year to all. May 2024 bring peace and prosperity to us all.