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Growing can be a real pain, sometimes. What you once remembered with ease, you now forget.
Case in point occurred last weekend. My significant other and I had booked a concert at a smallish auditorium back in December. It was sure to be sold out because the band had had a string of major hits in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s.
It was Saturday night and the two of us shed our casual clothes for more appropriate concert attire. We sent our relatives who stopped by for dinner, packing before they were ready to leave our place because we had to get on the road to get to the concert.
We arrived in plenty of time and had an easy time finding our seats. I noticed, however that the crowd seemed decidedly young for an older generation band. I also noticed the beer and liquor concessions were not open, and that seemed weird, but what did I know, I had never been to this venue before.
We took our seats and previewed the stage setup. The expansive stage was filled with young students clutching violins and other string instruments. I thought this is nice. The opening act was going to be provided by area music students.
But then again, with all the peculiarities we were noticing, we began to question our choice. My girlfriend turned around an asked the people seated behind us what they were here for.
“Why our granddaughter of course,” they said. “She is one of the top junior violinists in the county.” We looked quizzically and they could sense our consternation.”
“And what are you here for?” the grandfather asked.
“We are here to hear such and such band,” we said. The grandfather laughed and said, “Well you are in the wrong place. This is a concert presented by elementary musicians.”
I looked down at my paper ticket, and there in plain site was Sunday’s date. For some reason I had thought all along it was a Saturday concert, but there I read, Sunday Feb. 26. Much to my embarrassment I point it out to my partner, who began laughing profusely.
Needless to say, we promptly left our seats, got in our vehicle and drove home, only to return 24 hours later to enjoy one heckuva concert.
EARLIER THAT WEEK, I was trying out a pair of new earbuds. Now this nearing-old-age gent had never experienced the exhilarating sound that comes from a good pair of earbuds, so I was eager to test them out.
I was high atop an 8-story building when I plopped one ear bud in each ear. Well apparently I didn’t place the right earbud in properly and half way through the first song it fell out of my ear. I heard it hit the concrete floor. I got on my hands and knees and crawled around the floor to find the earbuds. When I couldn’t find them I assumed they had bounced off the concrete, falling eight stories down to oblivion.
Later in the day I was in the kitchen dumping a half of cup of my coffee down the drain. I turned on the garbage disposal and it started clanking vociferously. After cutting the power I reached in the disposal only to find my expensive earbud in a dozen pieces.
I had not dropped the earbud on the concrete floor. No instead it had found its way in the bottom of my coffee cup, unbeknownst to me.
That was my week. How was yours? I blame the silly incidents on getting old. My mind doesn’t work like it use to and my eyes haven’t been sharp for a long while. But hey I’m alive and healthy, and that’s all that matters.

2 Replies to “Mike’s Musings: DAZED and CONFUSED, or JUST GROWING OLD

  1. Mike, I enjoy your musings. I am a proud 1959 graduate of CHS and a lot older than you but it seems to me that we agree that we have a few differences with our current generation. Your posts are always entertaining and speak to the trials of ‘oldership’ which we both enjoy. Hang in there and please continue your always-entertaining reports of happenings and feelings. I live in Florida, which is probably overrated if one has migrated here from a place like Clare.

      March 8, 2023 at 9:00 pm
      Mike, I enjoy your musings. I am a proud 1959 graduate of CHS and a lot older than you but it seems to me that we agree that we have a few differences with our current generation. Your posts are always entertaining and speak to the trials of ‘oldership’ which we both enjoy. Hang in there and please continue your always-entertaining reports of happenings and feelings. I live in Florida, which is probably overrated if one has migrated here from a place like Clare.

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