By Gari Voss
It is time to consider possible routes into Allegan’s Downtown for spring and summer 2024. Procrastination is no longer an option. Whether drivers are in favor of roundabouts, or not, the MI Department of Transportation (MDOT) has created a tentative schedule for beginning work on M-89, and the Roundabout that will organize the intersection of M-40 South (Jenner Dr.), M-89 (Marshall St.), Hubbard St., Cedar St., and Ely St is part of that project.
“Though MDOT has mapped suggested routes for truck traffic and those traveling through the Allegan area, emergency detours and hospital routes have been coordinated between the city, MDOT, and local emergency services,” explained Parker Johnson, Allegan Downtown Manager & Asst. to the City Manager. “Local traffic is expected to find their familiar routes around the closure site. All entries into Downtown Allegan will be accessible except for Hubbard St.”
The schedule is always dependent on weather and material availability, but the plans are broad. Stage 1 is to complete M-89 to Cutler St. and fully open the Roundabout to traffic prior to the beginning of the Allegan County Fair.
Week of March 11th: Activity will begin.
Thurs., March 14th, 4-7pm: Public Meeting at Allegan City Hall, 231 Trowbridge St.
Week of March 18th: Mobilization of contractor, tree removal, and detours placed.
Week of March 25th: Work begins from 29th St. to Cutler St. including the roundabout,
Late August: Work will be completed except for the section from M-222 (Monroe St.) to Cutler St., which will be completed after the Allegan County Fair.
Paving will be done from 29th St. into Allegan, but the most interruption will occur where the 5 streets merge. As with other road projects, M-89 (Marshall St.) will have intermittent closures. For those looking to avoid the construction area, MDOT developed suggested routes around the city for truck traffic and those traveling through Allegan. These will be marked from all directions.
Milbocker & Sons, Inc. is the general contractor for this project. As a local entity that took the lead for the Downtown Improvement Project, the team is familiar with Allegan and will assist in whatever ways possible throughout the project.
MDOT’s work on M-89 has been long in the planning. The total project cost is now $7.2 million. The City of Allegan is responsible for $1.2 million. That cost will be reduced thanks to several grants the city received. A Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) grant for safety improvements and funded through MDOT for $460,503, a Community Service Infrastructure Fund, or the Transportation Economic Development Fund Category B (TEDFB) grant of $82,350 for underdeveloped communities, plus an MDOT credit of $40,208 succeeded in bringing the city’s financial responsibility to only about half the original figure.
M-89 Budget
$6,196,742 – Milbocker Contract with MDOT for the construction
$ 969,719 – Construction Engineering
$7,166,461 – Total Project Cost
$5,961,091 – MDOT Portion
$1,205,370 – City Portion before Grants
$7,166,461 – Total Project Cost
$1,205,379 – City Portion before grants
- 82,350 – TEDFB grant
- 460,503 – HSIP grant
through MDOT - 40,208 – MDOT Credit
$ 622,309 – City Portion after grants
Time to Support Allegan Shops and Businesses
Downtown Allegan businesses have been kept abreast of the MDOT project since its conception. Public meetings were held to share plans and answer questions from all interested parties. It became evident very quickly that there would be two summers of road construction for Allegan – the 2023 Downtown Improvement followed by the 2024 MDOT M-89 Road Construction.
The time has come for everyone to spend time and energy assisting the Allegan Downtown shops and businesses during another summer of construction. The Downtown Streetscape needs to be used on a daily basis and for special events. Unlike the summer of 2023, Downtown Allegan is not laden with dirt, trenches, and plywood walkways. Summer 2024 offers newly paved streets and sidewalks, seating, and trees and plants that add ambiance.
Residents who know their way around the city streets can be the leaders in assisting visitors. Even though the intersection at Hubbard Street will not be available, the other routes to enter downtown will be. Residents living around downtown, who live downtown, who work downtown or near downtown, who shop and play in town, or who are just more knowledgeable than MDOT can use social media and other means to communicate fun routes to the Riverfront, the theater, special sales, or the best place to gather.
On a daily basis, the Regent Theater will offer free afternoon movies in a cool environment and the Splash Pad will be open. Cafes and restaurants will continue serving wonderful dishes. Monday Fork in the Road Food Truck Rallies, Friday Rollin’ on the River gatherings, and Saturday Good Times at the Gazebo concerts can be easily reached.
Bridgefest, July 3rd Jubilee activities, Pride Fest, Sidewalk Sales, and other celebrations can be attended using alternate routes into town.
MDOT promises to update the public regarding construction progress. Parker Johnson and his team will also be staying abreast of the progress, so watch online at cityofallegan.org, City of Allegan on Facebook, and Downtown Allegan on Facebook.
The businesses in Downtown Allegan appreciate the support of all who regularly visit shops, restaurants, and the Riverfront throughout the following months as MDOT works on the M-89/M-40 project.