Clare County Review & Marion Press Columns

May I Walk with You? Snow Days

Snow days are wonderful! In my old age, I have a little more time to reflect on the wonder of snow days, those days when the whole world seems to get a reprieve as everything shuts down. They are like a vacation from the stresses of life. As kids we were glued to the television or the radio hoping to hear that school was closed. If it was closed, we went back to bed for a little while to enjoy the warmth. I even did that as a teacher. We liked snow days, too.
Then there were the extra chores of shoveling snow, pushing cars out of snowbanks, and the fun of making snowmen and snow forts. Does anyone remember rubber boots that went over shoes and buckled in the front? Sometimes we read books, cleaned our bedrooms, played monopoly, cards, or just relaxed with television. Sometimes we relaxed with a jigsaw puzzle.
After a morning of such wonderful activities, we would have a lunch of tomato soup and grilled velveta cheese sandwiches. If we were really lucky, we would have ham and navy bean soup for dinner along with buttered bread. Later it was off to bed in hopes of another snow day tomorrow. Those were wonderful days! Who doesn’t like a surprised day off?
Now, when we get lots of snow, I have to shovel snow, not get to. I still have to go places. Having a four-wheel pickup doesn’t allow staying home. Being an adult, things still need to be done. Yet, I manage to take some time to do cool stuff. I still like doing puzzles, watching a little television, and just being out in the snow. I like to go snowshoeing, on a nice calm day, or just go for a walk if the snow isn’t too deep. I enjoy making granola and bread, and watching wild birds in the birdfeeder just a few feet from the house.
On every snow day I take a little time to get a hot cup of tea or coffee and sit in my recliner with the Bible or a good book that I am reading and just relax. The snow points to the magnificence and wonder of God, reminding me of his glorious creation. How can it be that the God who created the universe invited me to relationship with him? How can it be that some 2000 years ago, God became a man, gave us the Eucharist, and loved me to the point of giving himself up to death that I might be forgiven my sins? How can it be that he rose from the dead, and desires that someday I too will rise from the dead to live in his love forever? How can it be that I enjoy his love and the love of those around me, now? May it always be so! That and snow days.
“May the Lord bless and keep you. May he let his face shine upon you, be gracious to you and give you his peace.”