Clare County Review & Marion Press Columns

May I Walk with You? NATURAL HIGH

As I sit here on a Monday morning, I can only describe my week as a natural high like I haven’t had in a long time. First of all, my twin sister came in from Houston to spend a little bit of time with us. That means that my younger brother and twin sister added to the joy Mary Jo and I have. Then my daughter Gaby, her husband Luis and our grandson spent time with us. To top it off my daughter Amy and three of her four children spent a few days with us too. Added to that my son Charlie and his wife Malarie visited. It also happened that we all went to the family reunion at my nephew’s farm in West Branch.
The weather was beautiful. The love was overwhelming. The food was superb. And the visiting with friends and family could not have been better! On top of all of that was going to mass with just about everyone and enjoying the presence of Jesus in church. I get choked up thinking about it.
It is now Monday morning. My twin is flying back to Housten. My son is back in Ohio, Amy and the grandchildren are headed home to Ohio. Ah, but Gaby and her family are only twenty minutes away and we’ll see them soon. My favorite daughter-in-law is back doing teaching and by brother continues to live with us. My granddaughter is back at CMU and we’ll see her soon. Life goes on.
Today happens to be the Eve of the Assumption of Mary into heaven. When my daughter was brought to the orphanage, they didn’t know what her birthday was, so Madre Maria gave her the feast day, The Assumption of Mary, August 15, as her birthday and my daughter Amy became her Godmother. That was about twenty-seven years ago. Time flies!
A good friend and fellow Knight of Columbus pointed me in the direction of St. Michael’s Lent. I had never heard of it. I have since learned that we are midway to the new Lenton Season in 2024. While St. Michael’s Lent is not an official season of the Church, I learned that it was a good time to boost prayer, fasting and almsgiving, in an attempt to continue our journey to holiness. St. Michael’s Lent starts on the feast of the Assumption, August 15, and continues through September 29. Call it a mini lent. It is a good time to reflect on all that God has done for us. Thank you, Jesus.
I have a request. It is the beginning of another school year. Please pray along with me and all people everywhere that God will bless our children. “Please, Lord. Protect our children with your love and guiding hand. Keep them safe from all bullying. Help them to stay physically and mentally and spiritually healthy. We pray for their teachers. Give them the wisdom needed to guide and teach. Keep them safe. Bless all parents. Thank you for children.”
“May the Lord bless and keep you. May he let his face shine upon you, be gracious to you and give you his peace.”

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