Clare County Review & Marion Press Columns

May I Walk with You? BEST GIFT

Ever wonder who has the best gift to give? The Bible often mentions gifts. There is the widow who gave a few pennies to temple treasury and Jesus says that she gave more than rich people who gave a lot, because while they gave from their extras, she gave all that she had. Paul writes of the many gifts that each person has as given by the Holy Spirit. He then simply writes that no gift is greater than any other. He uses the analogy of the human body. Each part is necessary for the good of the whole body. Which part would you like to give up? Probably none of them!
I think that the best gift that anyone can give is their presence. As I have gotten older, it seems to me that when I have a birthday, I don’t really care what anyone gives me. What I really care is that my loved ones show up. It doesn’t really matter what the presents are, as long as they are present. Naturally, some will want to bring expensive gifts and others won’t be able to bring expensive gifts. But each will bring the most important gift, themselves. The rest of the gifts are insignificant, compared to just being present.
I think the same is true of Church and church services and events. For me the term “catholic” while meaning universal, simply means that everyone is welcome. There is room for everybody. When Christians walk into a church they leave behind their differences. It makes no difference which culture you are, which gender, whether rich or poor, old or young, healthy or not, or which country of origin. We leave behind our histories as we become present. We leave all of that behind as we become united as children of God. We come to worship and become present to God and each other.
In the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist, we receive and give the absolute best gifts of all. Jesus gives himself to us and we give ourselves to him. In a very real sense, we become united with each other and united with Jesus. We encounter Jesus as he continues to offer himself, receive him, and offer ourselves to him. This is the very best gift of all, being present and united to the God who loves us.
“Come one, come all! Come to mass and encounter Jesus. He is the one who will never abandon you, who will always love you, and will always be present to you!”
“May the Lord bless and keep you. May he let his life shine upon you, be gracious to you and give you his peace.”

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