Allegan County News & Union Enterprise

Masks required at OPS’s Washington St. Elementary

By Jason Wesseldyk
Sports Editor
On Monday, Jan. 10, the Otsego Public Schools Board of Education approved COVID-19 mitigation procedures that would require face masks inside district buildings under certain conditions.
On Wednesday, Jan. 19, the first building in the district fell into those conditions.
With an absence rate of 12.29 percent, Washington Street Elementary fell below the 90-percent attendance threshold established in the new mitigation procedure. As a result, students, staff members and visitors will be required to wear a face covering for 14 calendar days through Wednesday, Feb. 2.
OPS superintendent Jeff Haase sent a letter to parents of Washington Street students informing them of the mask requirement.
“We appreciate your support and understanding as we work through this pandemic and keep the safety of our students and staff at the forefront,” Haase said.
Parents were also reminded of the following when it comes to masks:
● Masks should not be mesh material and should cover both the nose and mouth
● Masks will be provided for students who do not have one
● Our staff will provide several mask breaks throughout the day for students
● Masks are not required while students and staff are eating or drinking, or while outside or on the playground for recess.
Masks are required during the instructional day, although they are encouraged by the district at events outside of regular school hours.
According to the OPS COVID-19 mitigation procedures, masks are required in a building if:

  1. A school building is determined to have a COVID-19 cluster or outbreak determined by the local health department. Face coverings will be required for 14 calendar days during the instructional day.
  2. A school building student attendance is at or below 90 percent due to COVID-19 positive cases and/or quarantines, then face coverings will be required for 14 calendar days during the instructional day.
  3. District-wide student attendance is at or below 90 percent due to COVID-19 positive cases and/or quarantines, then face coverings will be required for all buildings for 14 calendar days during the instructional day. 

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