Courier-Leader & Paw Paw Flashes News

Lt. Ethan Quillen named “Firefighter of the Year”

A Paw Paw volunteer firefighter, Lt. Ethan Quillen, whose life was tragically cut short Feb. 22, while responding to a fire call, was
posthumously awarded the 2023 Firefighter of the Year, during the Paw Paw Volunteer Fire Departments annual dinner and awards
ceremony held Thursday, Oct. 5. Shown in photo above are, from left, Paw Paw Firefighter Kirk Richardson, Quillen’s father, Dean,
Quillen’s widow, Kaitie, Quillen’s mother, Sharla, State Sen. Aric Nesbitt, and Paw Paw Firefighter Kelly Redmond.
In the other three photos, Judges Awards were presented to Fire Chief Jim DeGroff IV, First Assistant Chief Kyle Richardson, and Second Assistant Fire Chief Nathan Jackson. They also received state Special Tributes. DeGroff, Richardson and Jackson, each in center of photos, are shown with Paw Paw Firefighters Kirk Richardson, left, and Kelly Redmond, at right.
Courier-Leader photos/Paul Garrod
Recently retired Paw Paw Village Police Chief Eric Marshall was honored during the annual Paw Paw Volunteer Fire Department dinner and awards ceremony for his many years of support to the fire department. Marshall is shown in center with, at left, Paw Paw Fire Department members Kirk Richardson and Kelly Redmond, at right.
Courier-Leader photo/Paul Garrod
Paw Paw Volunteer Firefighter Sam Carlsen was honored for his 20 years of service to the fire department. The presentation was made during the department’s annual awards dinner.
Courier-Leader photos/Paul Garrod

By Paul Garrod
Staff Writer

PAW PAW – A Paw Paw volunteer firefighter, whose life was tragically cut short Feb. 22, while responding to a fire call, was posthumously awarded the 2023 Firefighter of the Year, during the Paw Paw Volunteer Fire Departments annual dinner and awards ceremony held Thursday, Oct. 5.
In a State Special Tribute read by State Sen. Aric Nesbitt, and presented to Lt. Ethan M. Quillen’s widow, Kaitlyn, the tribute read in part: “It is with deepest sorrow and the highest gratitude for the service and sacrifices made in the line of duty, that we posthumously award the 2023 Firefighter of the Year award to Lt. Ethan M. Quillen.
The tribute continued, “On any given day, members of the Paw Paw Volunteer Fire Department leave their work, their places of worship and most often, their cherished moments with loved ones to enter the unknown. This selfless sacrifice is the foundation of an effective department. Ethan M. Quillen served not only the community via the Paw Paw Fire Department, but his nation while enlisted as a United States Marine.
“It was a desire to serve that prompted Ethan to inquire about the Paw Paw Fire Department while they were showcasing equipment locally,” the tribute continued. “Ethan’s desire to help others and make a difference led him past this initial greeting, to an interview in which he was asked how much he was expecting to be compensated for his service in the fire department. His answer was “nothing” in return.”
The tribute continued, “Ethan performed whatever was asked of him in service with
professionalism and, when called for, a finely pressed uniform with perfectly rolled sleeves.
Tragically, Ethan lost his life in the line of duty on Feb. 22, 2023, while securing off a dangerous area so others would be warned of the danger and to stay clear. Ethan wasn’t just a selfless and brave firefighter. He was a friend to all who knew him on the Paw Paw Fire Department.”
The tribute concluded, “The Paw Paw Fire Department continues its operation into calls unknown without Ethan M. Quillen, but this department will carry the memory and example of Mr. Quillen for generations to come as an example for up-and-coming firefighters.”
Three other Paw Paw Volunteer Fire Department members were also honored that night.
Fire Chief Jim DeGroff IV received the Judges Award and a State Special Tribute for his leadership and efforts on that tragic night of Feb 22.
The tribute read in part, “Chief DeGroff has led this department as chief, but never under such duress and demand as leading the Paw Paw Fire Department through a line of duty death. In Mr. DeGroff’s over 34 years of service, he has dedicated himself to the Paw Paw Fire Department at every level of service.”
It continued, “His leadership during the tragedy helped begin the healing process, starting with taking the department out of service for several days after the tragedy so the department could begin the healing process. In no small measure, Chief DeGroff laid down his own pain and anguish to help the department as a whole.”
It continued, “Throughout his many years of service, Mr. DeGroff has entered the leadership role, returned to the status of firefighter, and has again entered the leadership ranks. Chief DeGroff was instrumental in securing a new fire station that will serve the community for many years to come. He has worked tirelessly both in the department, and behind the scenes with community leaders, serving as the voice of the Paw Paw Fire Department. His leadership style is one for future leaders to follow as he is now helping assistant chiefs become the leaders he knows and sees in each of them. Chief DeGroff has, and continues to, lead the Paw Paw Fire Department from its darkest day in recent memory and the many sorrowful days that still impact us all.”
First Assistant Chief Kyle Richardson received the Judges Award and a State Special Tribute, which read in part: “Kyle is a third-generation firefighter, in his 13th year of service and is set to become the chief of the department in 2024. Throughout his years of service, Kyle has repeatedly shown expertise and devotion to the Paw Paw Fire Department. His desire to lead the department stems from this devotion, and Kyle is continually looking for ways to improve his firefighting skillset.”
The tribute continued, “First Assistant Chief Kyle Richardson was also forced to deal with a line-of-duty death on the evening of Feb. 22, 2023. During this worst of days, Kyle was able to summon the courage to put his own life at risk and attempt a rescue and radio for assistance. Once realizing others were in danger, Kyle commanded responding units to keep their distance. Without his leadership, in the midst of extreme peril, many other lives would surely have been impacted. First Assistant Chief Kyle Richardson’s example affirms that he is more than suited to lead the Paw Paw Fire Department.”
Second Assistant Chief Nathan Jackson also received a Judges Award. A State Special Tribute presented to Jackson read in part: Nathan is a multi-generational firefighter, currently the fourth generation in his family to serve the Paw Paw Fire Department. Nathan is currently in his ninth year in the department but has always known what it means to be a firefighter.”
The Special Tribute continued, “In the midst of tragedy, on the night of Feb. 22, 2023, Second Assistant Chief Nathan Jackson was able to lay down his own apprehension to the disaster unfolding before him and assist in keeping others a safe distance away. Nathan also had the presence of mind to contact a medic he knew was nearby for assistance, greatly increasing the chances for his fallen comrade.”
Other department awards included Sam Carlsen, who received a plaque for his 20 years of service in the department. Recently retired Paw Paw Village Police Chief Eric Marshall was honored by the department for his many years of support to the department.

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