Allegan County News & Union Enterprise News

Lopez steps forward to become Fennville’s first Hispanic mayor

By Gari Voss

Carlos Lopez’s journey to become the first Hispanic mayor of Fennville followed a unique path. As a long-time resident of Fennville, Lopez has championed those who have a variety of needs. This support has built a strong base that urged Lopez to become a write-in candidate in the November 7, 2023, election to seek a position on the City of Fennville Commission.
The November 2023 City of Fennville ballot had no one running for the four openings on the Commission, so those wishing to serve had to follow the write-in path. With 162 write-in votes cast, Lopez was one of the four who became commissioners. At the Dec. 4, 2023, meeting, it took three ballots for the unanimous vote that catapulted Lopez into the mayoral position.
For Carlos Lopez to take over the reins of City Hall, he feels this is unique. Even though no less than 47% of Fennville are Hispanic, Lopez is the first Hispanic to become the mayor since the Village of Fennville incorporated as a city in 1961.
As Mayor Lopez moves into the position, he expressed that his first goal is to open communication between the commission and the residents of Fennville.
“Communication with all people is my first goal. I can speak two languages so people can feel that they are being heard and understood,” shared Lopez. “I have already been out in the community. The Hispanic businesspeople are excited that someone from City Hall came to see them. I have invited local pastors to meetings so they can share what they are doing in the community. We can’t solve all the problems, but we can come to an agreement to work on it. I want to bridge the gap and encourage people to participate and trust the government.”
Reaching out to the community is something that Lopez has done for years. He attended kindergarten through fifth grade in Fennville then his family migrated to Texas in 1950 where Carlos graduated from high school.
“I attended Bethal Christian Academy and played basketball,” he explained. “In one game, I scored 71 points and had a basketball scholarship to attend college. Then I blew my knee out and my dreams for college ended.”
Adding, “My dad wanted to move back to Fennville, so I agreed to drive him. I ended up staying, marrying my amazing wife, and having kids and grandkids. So, I have been here as an adult for 28 years.”
During those 28 years, Lopez has been immersed in the area. At 21, he began working in Holland. Following in the footsteps of his experiences at Bethal Christian Academy, he became a pastor and founded the Bread House Church in Holland and the New Life Church in Muskegon. Both churches serve the Hispanic community.
Lopez became the executive director of The Linking Center in Pullman, where he assisted in raising half a million to get the center started. This enabled him to establish a relationship with residents in the Pullman and Fennville areas.
“We have served 250 families with food, clothing, furniture. The residents along the lake shore have contacted me with furniture, appliances, and household items that we are able to share with families in need. To address the food needs. we work with Hungry for Christ in Hamilton. This has been going on for 6 years.”
One of Mayor Lopez’s first activities as mayor was the Fennville Holiday Celebration on Saturday, Dec. 2, 2023. It was estimated that over a thousand visitors came to Fennville. Mayor Lopez was busy at the Fire Stations creating a social media video encouraging everyone to come for the delicious breakfast being served up by the firemen.
A bit later, Lopez took time to stop at the Fennville District Library to read to the children who enjoyed Christmas activities being offered by the library staff and volunteers.
“Reading with children is something that I began doing several years ago at Pullman Elementary School,” quipped Lopez.
The day ended with the evening Parade of Lights and the lighting of the Christmas tree. “The Fennville High School Band played carols. It was wonderful.”
Lopez respects all who came before him, but he feels that his appointment is a bright spot for Fennville as they move forward in making some changes. On Nov. 30th, Lopez attended training in Lansing where he began learning more about the different positions in city government, especially what they can and cannot do.
What Lopez anticipates is that he will continue to help Fennville and neighboring villages with resources. This will include continuing to give out food on the Third Wednesday of each month at the Pullman Elementary School. The next “shopping” day will be Dec. 20th in the Pullman gym.
“We are all volunteers and began this distribution six years ago when we set up the commodities like a store and had 30 families come to ‘shop’. Last year, we had 350 people.”
Lopez and the volunteers also meet needs in Fennville. “In Fennville, we get calls to help with household needs and furniture, so we keep a waiting list for when larger appliances become available. We have been able to rent an old barn in Holland to store items that people donate, but we hope to purchase some land in the Fennville area to build a storage building.”
Hands down, Lopez states, “The payback is the happiness of helping someone by providing a table at which the family can gather or making sure a child has warm clothing for winter. I am always touched by thank you notes from children like the student we gave boots.”
Carlos and his wife Esmeralda (Castillo) have two kids, Selina and Jacob, and eight grandchildren who live in the area. As his days as mayor turn from weeks to months to a year, he hopes to continue supporting the people of Fennville, opening conversations, and finding ways to make it an even better community in which to live.

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