LaFayette Sun

LHS interrupts prom to pray

LHS seniors prayed in the street.

Snaps of LHS students on the red carpet at the prom lead out.

By Pamela Whitlow

LaFayette High School had their 2023 High School Prom on Saturday. The Prom was held at the Bottling Plant Event Center in Opelika Al.

But, of course the traditional lead out was held at LaFayette High School court yard and finished off in the school auditorium. Streets were blocked off. People were standing everywhere as far as you could see watching the nice cars, trucks and SUVs pull up to the outside red carpet to let the students make their grand entrance.

It didn’t stop there. The headline of the night was when the 2023 class gathered outside to pray for those involved in the Dadeville shootings, as well as other tragedies that have taken place in our country recently.