Clare County Review & Marion Press

Law enforcement, family, friends gather to put Nichole to rest

A motorcycle unit and Jess Loudenslager escorting Nicholes horse Ringo begins the procession to the Surrey Township Cemetery  
Clare County Mounted Division Member Jess Loudenslager escorts Ringo to the cemetery followed by Nicole’s family members.
Mounted and motorcycle  officers look on as friends, Family and officials enter the cemetery for services
Old Glory waves in the background as a Clare County Sheriff Department vehicle enters the cemetery
Surrey Fire Department members look on in silence as the mounted division members pass by

By Steve Landon
Heaven gained a beautiful new resident last week when Nichole Shuff of Farwell entered the pearly gates following an amazing life of achievement, love and adventure .
 On Friday morning August 5,  family, friends and law enforcement officials from across the state gathered at the  Jaime  Performing Arts Center at Farwell High School to pay their respects and remember a special young lady who deeply touched everyone she met with her determination to live life to the fullest . Nichole was an inspiration who God called home much too soon.
 Prior to her funeral Nichole’s casket sat in the entry way of the performing arts center with members of law enforcement serving as an honor guard posted at each end. As people passed bye, they reminisced and looked at photos of her incredible life.  At 1:00 pastor Jim Young officiated the funeral delivering a moving memorial service. Bagpipers played as she was carried out by pallbearers, Octavian Balint, Eric Shuff, Pat Malley, Brian Malley, Brandon Malley and Sarin Balint following the service.
On route to the Surrey Township Cemetery residents and visitors lined roadside to pay honor to this fine young member of the Clare County Mounted Division who passed away a July 29th following an accident July 25th while working as a deputy with the mounted division at the Clare County Fair. Nichole was 33.
In the processional, law enforcement officials from as far away as Detroit made the trek to Farwell to pay their respects. some in cars and trucks. There were also mounted units and a motorcycle division. Friends and family followed for a private graveside service. It was a beautiful way to say thank you to a special and giving person.

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