By Pat Maurer
Review Correspondent
It looks like it will be nice weather for Clare’s annual Irish Festival next week.
Even if Mother Nature pulls a surprise on us and the week is snowy outside, the 49th annual Irish Festival is sure to turn everything green, especially around the City of Clare. Along with the all new Irish “Spirit Week,” there are four fun-filled days’ worth of exciting events in store with the highlight of the fabulous Irish parade right through the middle of town. Even local pilots get in on the fun with their own brand of excitement – a fly over McEwan Street just before the parade begins!
The Wednesday through Saturday events will include races, contests, entertainment, food and drink specials everywhere, shopping deals and much more.
Everyone gets in on the wild and crazy fun, every restaurant and shop has an Irish special, the “pubs” are offering green beer and everywhere you look “green” is the fashion statement of choice.
A couple of special events are already going on. The Irish Pet Photo Contest is up and running with entries accepted until March 13. Winners will be announced on Facebook.
And there is the Leprechaun Trap Contest. Build a trap with cardboard and decorate it to attract the little guy to catch a Leprechaun. Drop the trap off at the Pere’ Marquette District Library by March 16 and see whose trap catches the Leprechaun.
Come into downtown and walk the Lucky Leprechaun Story Walk along the Pere’ Marquette Rail-Trail. The walk begins and ends at the Pere’ Marquette District Library (one block west of Fourth and McEwan) and has story “stations” along the way. Check in with the library for a scavenger hunt sheet to fill out and turn in at the library or just take a walk on the trail! Now until March 18th!!
PMDL is also sponsoring a $1 a Bag sale all week long for the Irish Festival, so be sure and stop in for a bargain or two.
There’s so much going on for the festival. Committee members say it is the largest Irish Festival ever!
The fun kicks off with the traditional Business After Hours Wednesday evening at the Doherty Hotel (sponsored by Mercantile Bank) followed by the Big Brothers -Big Sisters Silent Auction fundraiser in the Doherty Ballroom.
Spend some time and stroll north along the Clare Art Alley for a real treat, then head up McEwan past the newly renovated historic Ideal Theater where a Saturday ticket to see Kung Fu Panda gets free popcorn if you are 11 or under. Shows are at 3 and 7 pm.
As you stroll through town check out the winners in the Kids’ Poster Contest, with some displayed in almost every business window.
Local businesses are also participating in window decorating contest, a must see on your jaunt through Clare.
Thursday It is music and delicious samples at Clare High School during the Irish Recipe Contest with the High School Jazz Band welcoming entrants. Afterwards the Gateway Community Band Concert in the gym.
Friday evening get your Irish Blessing at the Blarney Stone and stop in at Four Leave Brewing for the Barrel Racing Competition there at 6 pm.
Saturday you won’t want to miss the 5K/10K Walk-Run, the Kids Fun Run, Crazy Bed Races downtown, and the Best Dressed Leprechaun Contest,
Saturday before the Kids Fun Run, the 7 am-11 am Green Pancake Breakfast sponsored by the Clare Boy Scouts Pack 3620 and Troop 620 will be held at the Clare Methodist Church. If it’s corn beef and cabbage for lunch or dinner, that can be found all over town.
Catch some Leprechauns Saturday morning at Witbeck’s Family Foods where they come in all sizes and ages to be judged the best in the annual contest that begins at 8:45 am.
One stop you shouldn’t miss is shopping for unique and unusual items at the annual all day Irish Fest Craft and Vendor’s Show at the Clare Primary School.
And there there’s the huge annual Irish Parade starting at noon and featuring loads of floats, fun and the Scottsville Clown Band (always a crowd favorite) up to their usual antics as they stroll their musical way through town.
Speaking of a “bit of Irish,” remember there’s even a Blarney Stone in the intersection of 4th and McEwan, the Are You Irish Contest downtown, warm-up fire pits, and much, much more including Irish and Celtic musical entertainment all four days.
Pick up the three flyers (the events, entertainment and Irish fare won’t all fit on one!) so you don’t miss a thing!
Visit www.clareirishfestival.com for a complete schedule of events, shopping, entertainment and dining specials or stop in at the Clare Chamber of Commerce inside the Clare Union Depot on 4th Street where you just might find even more “Irish” things to see or even buy as a souvenir of your visit to the most Irish Little Town in the mid-west.
While you are there, be sure and get your Irish Raffle ticket! You might win! First place gets $1,500; 2nd place is $750 and 3rd Place wins $200!
The drawing will be at 6 pm Monday evening, March 18 at Cops and Doughnuts in downtown Clare.
Get ready for more fun Saturday afternoon at 4 pm on McEwan Street between 4th and 5th Streets where you will find the Are You Irish Contest. Show your Irish! There will be prizes for wearing most green, for the greenest eyes, the most freckles and (naturally) reddest hair and more!
The weather may be chilly, but on Friday from 4 to midnight and Saturday from 8 am to midnight the fire pits will be burning downtown to warm everyone up and there will be Food Trucks available.