LaFayette Sun News

Hundreds brave scorching heat to attend Back to School bash

By Pamela Whitlow

The LaFayette Chambers County Back to School Bash was a hit again this year.
The P.H.Y.R.E & CCSD (People Helping Youth Reach Excellence and Chambers County School District) Back to school Bash 2023 kicked off on Saturday at 11am at the LaFayette High School band field.

It was a scorching hot type of day. But that didn’t stop the people in the Chambers County area from coming out and enjoying the event.

The LaFayette High School cheerleaders, The Valley Rams cheerleaders, The Chambers Academy cheerleaders, and the JMA cheerleaders all performed. The LaFayette Mighty Bulldogs had their sounds in the atmosphere. Different vendors were set up giving out FREE school supplies. Eastside Elementary School added free popsicles to their giveaway to cool everyone off. The First Baptist Church, added scriptures bracelets to their giveaways.
The Chambers County Headstart Center was on deck doing registration for Headstart.
The Chambers County Health Department were giving out free healthcare information along with The Chambers County Community Wellness Center and the Unity Wellness Center.

Aside from this event providing FREE school supplies, marching band performances, dance party, music and entertainment, foam party, game truck, icy truck and bouncy houses, this event provided a wealth of community resources including funding for those interested in going to trade school, amazing agencies providing programs in the community, and LIHEAP was onsite paying Chambers, Tallapoosa, and Coosa County residents’ power and water bills.