LaFayette Sun

Hand named Main Street Executive Director

The board of directors of LaFayette Main Street has named DeAnna Hand as their first Executive Director. Hand has many years of experience in leadership, management, public relations, community outreach, grant writing, and event planning.
LaFayette Main Street promotes and serves LaFayette’s iconic downtown by honoring its unique history, strengthening its economic vitality, and cultivating growth. As a newly Alabama Designated Main Street Program, LaFayette Main Street is driven by the Main Street Four-Point Approach®: organization, promotion, design, and economic vitality.
“DeAnna brings the energy and experience of leadership we need to make LaFayette Main Street successful,” LaFayette Main Street Board President Jimmy Stewart says. “She is the perfect complement to grow and expand the LaFayette Main Street Program with our vision and goals.”
Hand has extensive leadership experience and a Master’s degree from The University of Alabama. As a native and resident of LaFayette, Hand brings more than 15 years of experience in event and program management within government and nonprofits, most recently serving as State Director with Alabama Mentor. She will begin her new role at LaFayette Main Street January 3rd.
“Downtowns are where you feel the heartbeat of a community. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve my hometown and our community. I am passionate about our downtown and excited to see our continued growth through business development, community activities, events, and more,” Hand explains.
For more information about LaFayette Main Street and ways to become involved, contact the office at 334-524-1992 or email

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