Allegan County News & Union Enterprise

Gilkey’s Funk named a ‘Cool Teacher’

Courtney Funk is seen with her kindergarten class at Gilkey Elementary School.

By Jason Wesseldyk
Sports Editor

Courtney Funk’s kindergarten classroom at Gilkey Elementary School in Plainwell recently had some special visitors.
Representatives from WGVU—the PBS affiliate based in Grand Rapids—stopped by to present Funk with the station’s Cool Teacher Award.
The parent of one of Funk’s students nominated Funk for the award, citing her engaging lessons and loving dedication to her students.
“I was shocked to hear about (the award) because I was not familiar with the Cool Teacher program WGVU had,” said Funk, who was informed of the honor via e-mail.
“It was just the surprise I needed because it has been a tough couple of years teaching through COVID. Being recognized in such an amazing, honoring way really brightened my day and reminded me that I really am making a difference in these kiddos’ lives.”
In addition to presenting Funk with a framed certificate to commemorate the honor, the WGVU reps also interviewed Funk and a few students for a segment about the award.
“Being able to share this experience with my class was everything,” Funk said. “I would not have received this award without them, and having them be a part of the celebration was amazing. 
“The kids couldn’t stop talking about how they were going to be TV stars, which was the sweetest thing ever. They are truly the reason I love doing what I do. While they think I am teaching them every day, they are the ones teaching me something new and amazing each and every day.”
Funk knew from an early age that she wanted to become a teacher. That desire to work with children on a daily basis was further solidified during her days at Allegan High School.
“I wanted to be a teacher for as long as I can remember,” Funk said. “In high school, I would spend an hour of my school day helping in a local elementary building and I grew to love working with kids. Seeing the difference you can make in their lives was so inspiring to me. 
“I mean, what better job is there than to hang out with 24 five-and-six year olds every single day and what better honor is it then to be an adult who is making a difference in their lives. They always keep me laughing and always keep me on my toes. No two days are the same.”
After graduating from Allegan in 2008, Funk received a tennis scholarship from Kalamazoo Valley Community College, where she began her studies. She then transferred to Western Michigan University, where I completed her bachelor’s degree in education and graduated in 2013. 
For her student teaching, she was placed in a third-grade classroom in Plainwell. It didn’t take long for her to realize she’d found a place she wanted to stay.
“I fell in love with the passion that poured out of the educators and students,” she said. “The families were wonderful, and it just was a very warm environment to intern at.”
As fate would have it, a kindergarten teacher at Gilkey announced her retirement at that time. And the rest, as the old saying goes, is history.
“I knew kindergarten was the grade that was meant for me, so I applied,” Funk said. And by God’s grace I got the job and have been teaching kindergarten here for the past eight years.”
The past two years have presented unique challenges for Funk and her fellow educators.
“COVID definitely has not been easy for any profession, including teaching,” she said. “It was a whole different ball game trying to teach via technology. So many kids thrive by being face-to-face, so needless to say, the past few years have been challenging. 
“During these trying times, I was constantly reminding myself to give myself grace. Even if my students didn’t learn as much as I would have hoped for them to, they always knew I cared about them and I was there for them. That was my main focus during those times. Seeing them via Zoom was the highlight of my day.”
Funk doesn’t have to see her students via Zoom anymore, as classes are now back to in-person learning on a full-time basis.
“I appreciate being face-to-face more than before knowing how quickly that can be taken away,” she said. “Nothing beats the daily smiles and hugs these sweet kids give me every day.”

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