Clare County Review & Marion Press News

Five departments fight fire at Fair’s Salvage

Smoke from a fire in a scrap metal pile at Fair’s Salvage Tuesday billowed hundreds of feet into the air before firefighters could extinguish the blaze.
Photo by Kieley Grider

By Pat Maurer

Five Fire departments – Clare, assisted by Isabella North East, the Saginaw-Chippewa FD, Surrey Township and Harrison, with about 25 firefighters, worked to extinguish a fire that began in a pile of scrap metal Tuesday afternoon, June 6th.
Clare Fire Chief Jim Chapman said the fire was an accident that was possibly started by a spark from other nearby equipment in operation. “The scrap metal pile included car parts and the fire sent smoke billowing hundreds of feet in the air,” he said.
He said firefighters were on the scene at the facility on Grass Lake Road from 3:14 until 5:30 pm, nearly two and a half hours.
No one was injured in the blaze.