Clare County Review & Marion Press News

Fair season gets underway June 12th in Marion

By Steve Landon
Correspondent & photographer

The 2023 fair season officially kicks off Monday June 12th with the opening of the Annual Marion Fair at the historic Marion Fairgrounds/Veterans Memorial Park.
The popular six-day event will feature Youth and 4-H members coming together in the livestock exhibit area for two days of intense competition. At 9:00 a.m. Monday in the small animal barn exhibitors compete in rabbit, poultry showmanship and breed competition before an eagle – eyed judge. Small Animal Sweepstakes will follow. Dairy Cattle judging will close out the day at 4:00 p.m. Competition wraps up Tuesday with Goat, Sheep, Swine and Beef judging.
Ribbons and trophies proudly on display by their cages and pens, participants will turn their focus to the annual Large and Small Animal Market Sale on Friday, June 16th at 6:00 p.m. in the livestock show arena. Please support these young people who work hard all year with their fine animals. Make sure to attend and purchase something at this year’s sale if at all possible.
2023 Marion Fair amusements officially open Wednesday and continue through Saturday night.
In addition to rides and other events on the grounds, there will be an exciting grandstand show; Garden Stock Tractor Pull, Truck and Tractor Pull, MICRO Wrestling, and the IPRA Rodeo Flying Star. The ever-popular USA Demo figure 8 Derby wraps up the fair Saturday night.
Don’t wait until next year, get the whole family together and come on out for a day or evening of old fashion fun at the 2023 Marion Fair.
For more information and schedule updates check out their website at