Clare County Review & Marion Press

Evart police news

By John Raffel

Evart Police Department
Weekly Report
Dec. 13-20
Dec. 13: Child Endangerment – Officers were called to investigate a child endangerment complaint. The case remains open at this time.
Dec. 15: False Alarm – Officers were dispatched to a local business for an alarm. It was found an employee accidentally activated the alarm.
Dec. 15: Miscellaneous Complaint – Officers received a child abuse complaint. The reported abuse occurred in another county so a referral was completed.
Dec. 15: Warrant Arrest(s) – While conducting a traffic stop for a registration violation, Officers determined that the two occupants of the vehicle had outstanding warrants. Only one subject was arrested and lodged as the agency for the other warrants refused pickup.
Dec. 16: Private Property Damage Accident – Officers took a complaint of damage to a vehicle caused by property from a business during a windstorm.
Dec. 16: Traffic Hazzard – Officers removed pieces of a carport that was damaged and blown onto the road during a windstorm.
Dec. 17: Possession – Officer issued a minor in possession of a vape pen citation. 
Dec. 17: Operating While Impaired – While conducting a traffic stop for speeding, Officers determined the driver to be operating the vehicle under the influence of alcohol. The driver was arrested and transported to the Osceola County Jail where they were lodged.
Dec. 18: Trespass – Officers were dispatched to a trespassing complaint. The offender left the scene prior to Officers’ arrival.
Dec. 19: Property Damage Accident – Officers were dispatched to a two-vehicle accident. No injuries were reported.