News Saugatuck/Douglas Commercial Record

Douglas seat opens as member 5 months leaves town



Fran Ray didn’t last long as a Douglas City Council member. First elected Nov. 5 last year, she resigned Thursday, Feb. 29 because she is moving out of town.

Ray thanked council peers and City Manager Lisa Nocerini for the opportunity to work with them.

“Even for this short time,” Ray said, “the experiences I’ve had while serving have instilled a great respect for the responsibilities carried by our local government.

“I will make myself available if needed to support the transfer of my duties on the KLHA and Fire Board,” Ray said.

Council accepted her resignation at Monday’s meeting and instructed Nocerini to launch a replacement search. Ray’s now-vacant term runs through November 2025.

Interested? Contact City Hall via its website or by phoning (269) 857-1428.