Clare County Review & Marion Press

Commissioners act on architectural services

By John Raffel

MARION – The Osceola County Board of Commissioners voted at its meeting earlier this week to solicit request for proposals for Architectural Services for an EMS Evart Base.
“The base is at the Evart Fire Department,” commissioner Roger Elkins of Evart said. “There’s a crew that stays there with a montly rental fee. He ambulance is housed in the fire barn.”
The commissioners voted using the General Fund to purchase a used vehicle not to exceed $25,000 for use by the Building Official/lnspector, Equalization and other departments as necessary and forego the purchasing policy.
Elkins said the personnel and administration committee was set to meet this week to interview applicants for building official/inspector.
“It had been a contract position,” he said. “Now it will be be a county employee and we will need to furnish them with a vehicle.”
The commissioners voted to approve the revised Insurance Policy as presented and to make it retroactive back to Nov. 1.
Also approved was approve the State of Michigan Public Assistance (PA) Grant Program Grant Agreement FEMA (Covid-19) and authorization was given to the Chairman to sign.
The board approved the EMS Nsure Master License and Services Agreement and authorized the Chairman to sign.

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