Clare County Review & Marion Press

Clare applies for USDA grants for police, fire departments

By Pat Maurer

The Clare City Commission gave the go-ahead to submit application for two United States Department of Agriculture grants at Monday’s meeting, one for approximately $62,431 to fund 75 percent of the cost of a new police vehicle and equipment for the vehicle at a total cost estimated at $82,431. The breakdown of the total costs are $45,200 for the vehicle and $22,902 for the equipment for the vehicle.
The second grant is a request for approximately $58,700, or 75 percent of the total cost $78,306 to fund equipment (an air compressor, radios and pagers) for the fire department.
In his agenda report to the Commissioners, City Manager Jeremy Howard said, “The City has worked with the USDA to obtain grant funds for Public Safety for many years.” He said the preliminary requests were submitted to be considered for grants to defray a portion of the cost of a new vehicle and equipment and a notice of the City’s intent to apply for the grant was published.
After a public hearing was held, the board approved the application and authorized the City Manager to sign the application and the Treasurer to apply any budget amendments to accept the funds.
The City has also submitted preliminary requests to be considered for a U.S.D.A. grant to defray a portion of the cost to purchase the equipment for the fire department. A notice of the intention to apply for the grant was published and a public hearing held Monday.
After the public hearing the Commission gave its approval to apply for that grant and authorized the City Manager to sign the application and the Treasurer to apply budget amendments to accept the funds if the grant is approved.
To cement another funding bonus, the Commission gave Howard the authorization to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Michigan Department of Treasury, a requirement for the Lake Shamrock project and the $6.8 million grant earmarked for the Lake Shamrock Dredging and Dam Project. The City will be responsible for a 20 percent match, a total of $1.3 million which will come from bond funds for the dredging project.
Howard said,” This means we should be able to accelerate and hopefully enlarge the project (possible hydraulic dredging) as well as replace the actual Dam and build a spillway, walkway and control structures and piers, etc.”
The Commission authorized Howard to sign the proposed MOU.
Other business at the City Commission meeting Monday included the second of two budget hearings before finalizing the budget for the coming year.
They also:
*Approved board and committee appointments including the reappointments of Stacy Pechacek and John Myers to the Planning Commission and the appointment of Carol Santini as the City’s representative to the Pere’ Marquette District Library Board for the coming year.
*Approved the annual Contract for Clare County Equalization Services at an estimated cost of $700 annually for the service.
*Heard, in the report from City Manager Howard that the asphalt is laid on the 4th street bridge and work has begun on the 5th Street bridge, necessitating a detour route to 4th street while the bridge is replaced in the next couple of months.
*Approved the payment of bills totaling $114,037.32.

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