Saugatuck/Douglas Commercial Record

Center Collective condos eye advance

By Scott Sullivan
Jeff Kerr’s years-in-the-works plan to develop the northern 6.9 acres of 324 W. Center St. may take another step at the Douglas Planning Commission meeting Thursday, May 11.
Contract city planner and zoning administrator Tricia Anderson is suggesting the commission offer a favorable recommendation build 19 single-family residential site condominiums to city council for review of the final site site-condo plan, subject to 11 conditions.
Kerr’s most-recent updated plan proposes single-family units ranging from 7,920 to 11,681 square feet in area, giving the parcel a 2.71 units per acre (previously 20 units) density.
It includes a public street connecting St. Peters Drive ending in a cul-de-sac containing a landscaped island, sidewalks along the frontage of St. Peters, on both sides of internal streets; plus street trees just outside of utility easements in the St. Peters right-of-way, on individual units.
Stormwater management facilities and infrastructure, noted Anderson, are now proposed in the northwest corner of the site, partially within a platted road right of way.
Also provided will be:

  • Public water and sanitary sewer,
  • 1.9 acres of open space within a common element,
  • Gazebo and elevated deck to overlook ponds,
  • A gathering space, bench and fire pit area in the southwest corner of the subject site, stone,
  • ADA-compliant dust path which connects the site condo to the gathering space, and
  • Mixed-use development to the south.
    This site, previously zoned R-2, was rezoned R-4 in May 2021. At one time Kerr planned a PUD that would include residential on the northern 2/3 of the parcel and commercial on southern 1/3 with frontage on West Center.
    On Dec. 8, 2022, the commission conditionally recommended a preliminary site-condo plan to council. In March, Kerr made changes to the configuration and connectivity of streets, as well as lot layouts and stormwater management facility locations’. (See Figures 1 and 2, top of next page)
    Anderson]s recommended conditions include:
  • The applicant address all conditions required by the city engineer per his April 28 memo.
  • The applicant work with the Allegan County Drain Commission to satisfy stormwater management design standards and receive approval.
    •. The applicant work with the city engineer and public works department to implement recommended improvements to the signal timing and taper lanes along St. Peters.
  • Kerr adhere to and address all recommendations made by the Saugatuck Township Fire District.
  • The applicant insert language into the master deed and bylaws regarding trees proposed along rear yards of Lots 13-17 that prohibit their removal unless dead or diseased.
  • Upon approval of the final site condo plan, Kerr submit a final draft of the master deed to be reviewed by the city attorney prior to recording.
  • The applicant provide a construction timeline satisfactory to the city engineer’s recommendations, pertaining to the sequence of grading, installation of storm and utility infrastructure, sidewalks and pedestrian pathways, and landscaping.
  • The applicant build individual homes in accordance with the MBO table shown on the approved grading and soil and sedimentation control plan dated April 26.
  • The applicant shall provide Douglas with a recorded copy of the stormwater maintenance agreement, prior to issuing any zoning permits for the construction of individual units.
  • Upon approval of the final condo plan by the council, the developer pay all fees and escrows associated with required permits related to utilities, construction plan review and inspections.
  • Upon council approval of the final plan, Kerr work with the city engineer to meet the minimum standards for road design, inspection, approval, and maintenance for all proposed public streets. No road infrastructure building is allowed until plans are approved by city engineer.

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