CONSTANTINE — Constantine Public Schools will be holding two informational meetings on its upcoming May bond proposal within the next month. The first informational meeting will be held Friday, March 24 at 6 p.m. at the Constantine High School Media Center. A second informational meeting will be held Wednesday, April 12 at the Mason/Union branch Read More…
Censure resolution for Allen proposed by city
By Robert TomlinsonNews Director Editor’s note: This article contains strong language. THREE RIVERS — Following the multiple outbursts by At-Large Three Rivers City Commissioner Lucas Allen at the March 7 Three Rivers City Commission meeting, the commission will be considering a resolution for censure for Allen at their Tuesday, March 21 meeting. The resolution would Read More…
Big Brothers-Big Sisters Auction raises $51K
By Pat Maurer Correspondent Attendees went all out at the annual Big Brothers-Big Sisters Auction Wednesday evening at the Doherty Hotel during Clare’s Irish Festival and raised just over $51,000 for the program this year. The Auction was sponsored by Mercantile Bank and held after Business After Hours. An error led to the information on Read More…
Man rescued from vehicle in St. Joseph River
By Robert TomlinsonNews Director LOCKPORT TWP. — Deputies and the St. Joseph County Sheriff’s Department’s dive and rescue team rescued a man from his vehicle in the St. Joseph River Thursday night. According to the sheriff’s department, the incident occurred at 7:21 p.m. in the area of South River Road and Noah Lake Road in Read More…
‘It’s time for justice for Brittany’: Community rally drums up support to solve 2018 disappearance
By Robert TomlinsonNews Director CENTREVILLE — A high-profile missing person case in St. Joseph County from 2018 was the subject of a community rally in Centreville Saturday morning.Dozens of people gathered at the St. Joseph County Sheriff’s Department to bring awareness to the case of Brittany Nichole Wallace (Shank), who was last seen in the Read More…
Road Commission asks county for
additional financial assistance for Covered Bridge
By Robert TomlinsonNews Director CENTREVILLE — With new bids recently coming in that exceeded prior estimates, members of the board of the St. Joseph County Road Commission made a plea to county commissioners Tuesday for more assistance in covering the costs of its upcoming Covered Bridge project.While no action was taken during the commissioners’ Executive Read More…
Irish Festival events underway!
By Pat MaurerCorrespondent The 48th Clare Irish Festival is in full swing this week.The festival officially began Wednesday afternoon with the Irish Pet Photo Contest deadline. Winners will be announced on the Parks and Recreation website or at the Clare Chamber website.Special festival events included the Virtual Kathy Rynearson Memorial Food Drive from the 15th Read More…
‘Eat, drink and be merry’ at the Clare Irish Fest this weekend
By Pat MaurerCorrespondent Everyone is a little bit Irish around St. Patrick’s Day, particularly in Clare, named after Clare County Ireland. Along with the Irish events planned, the whole town’s businesses plan something special for the weekend.For an actual taste of the Irish, there’s still time to sample some delicious food and enjoy drink specials Read More…
Faces in the Crowd: Marion EverReady Club
Over the last 113 years, a lot has changed in the Marion area.Yet some things haven’t.Founded on February 10th, 1910, the Marion EverReady Club – the “EverReady’s” – have remained roughly the same: A tight-knit group of selfless individuals dedicated to helping local community organizations and families in need.In 1910, the EverReadys would travel on Read More…
Missaukee woman faces meth charges
By John RaffelCorrespondent MCBAIN – A several month-long investigation by the Traverse Narcotics Team into 43-year-old Cindy Jo Frye led to a search warrant at her residence in Pioneer Township of Missaukee County Michigan recently the Missaukee County Sheriff’s Department reported.Detectives from the Traverse Narcotics Team (TNT) gained information indicating Frye was involved in illegal Read More…