Clare County Review & Marion Press News

Commissioners approve proposal on EMS station

By John RaffelCorrespondent MARION – The Osceola County Board of Commissioners at its Tuesday meeting, voted to approve the proposal from Kram Construction and Design for the EMS Station in Evart for a cost of $58,600.The board voted to approve the east doors of the Courthouse to be used by county employees only as an Read More…

Clare County Review & Marion Press News

Commissioners approve COA building proposal

By John RaffelCorrespondent MARION – The Osceola County Board of Commissioners, at its meeting on Tuesday, voted to approve a request for proposal for a Commercial Kitchen at the Commission on Aging building in Hersey and to have results reviewed by the Health, Safety & Grounds Committee.The due date of the RFP is April 25 Read More…

News Three Rivers Commercial-News, Penny Saver, & Sturgis Sentinel

Misdemeanor charges authorized against Lillywhite in February crash

By Robert TomlinsonNews Director KALAMAZOO — St. Joseph County Sheriff Mark Lillywhite was officially charged Thursday with two misdemeanors, including drunk driving, stemming from a crash that occurred in February. According to documents filed by the Kalamazoo County Prosecutor’s Office, Prosecutor Jeff Getting announced two formal charges against Lillywhite, both misdemeanors: Operating while intoxicated and Read More…

Courier-Leader & Paw Paw Flashes News

Rain and snow washout a Lawrence Township street

The recent rain and snowfall caused a portion of 54th Street, between Red Arrow Highway and County Road 215 in Lawrence Township, to close to all traffic due to a washout. The rain and snowfall combination also caused area lakes and rivers to rise, as shown in photos of the North Branch of the Paw Read More…

Courier-Leader & Paw Paw Flashes News

Commissioners approve steering committee to oversee funds from nationwide opioid settlement

By Paul GarrodStaff Writer PAW PAW – A steering committee to oversee the allocation of funds from a nationwide opioid settlement was approved by the Van Buren County Commissioners on Tuesday, March 28.Van Buren County recently received a check for $197,347.90 as part of the nationwide opioid settlement against several pharmaceutical companies. As of July Read More…

News Saugatuck/Douglas Commercial Record

Floating homes piece inaccurate, city says

By Scott SullivanEditorLast week’s story “Floating homes flap: city may be liable” contains inaccuracies, Saugatuck city officials say, based on a courtroom observer’s synopsis rather than official transcripts from a March 23 Allegan County Circuit Court hearing and this writer’s legal misapprehensions.Large portions of the 1,000+-word piece were correct, others not, city attorney John Brennan Read More…

News Saugatuck/Douglas Commercial Record

Music in Park will go on, SDABA says

By Scott SullivanEditorThe Saugatuck-Douglas Business Association is working to come back from post-Covid board and membership losses, says president/secretary David Langley, and sustain events such as Music in the Park concerts. The goal is to “remain a supportive business group community,” Langley says.Current leaders are meeting with the Saugatuck-Douglas Convention & Visitors Bureau, “but that’s Read More…

Allegan County News & Union Enterprise News

ACCF donates $215k to county non-profits

The Board and Staff of the Allegan County Community Foundation (ACCF) are pleased to announce 2023 Legacy Grant awards totaling $215,552 to Allegan County non-profits. We are proud to support numerous non-profit organizations in the county and the services they provide to Allegan County residents. The ACCF Distribution Committee meets annually to review and recommend Read More…

Allegan County News & Union Enterprise News

Allegan County gas prices are up again

By John RaffelCorrespondent ALLEGAN – Gas prices are on the rise locally, statewide and nationwide.AAA reports as of April 3, the average gas prices in Allegan County are $3.539 per gallon.This compares to $3.583 in Barry County, $3.494 in Van Buren County, $3.498 in Kalamazoo County, $3.498 in Ottawa County and $3.519 in Kent County.The Read More…

Allegan County News & Union Enterprise News

Rain, rain go away

Heavy rains that fell on Friday, March 31, caused some localized flooding in the area.These areas included the bridge that goes underneath M-89 near the main stoplight in downtown Plainwell and leads to Hicks Park. Water levels of the Kalamazoo River ran over onto the bridge, making it impassable for the time being.Another area that Read More…